sickness on first cycle.

Hi sorry to bother you all, I’m just after a bit of advice. I started my first course of chemo Friday and I was just wondering how long the sickness feeling will last as the tablets they gave me aren’t helping at the moment. It’s been a real whirlwind I was only diagnosed on the 7th March, I tried to take all the info in but I can’t recall the info on sickness. Thank you in advance x

Hi Gingerbreadlady, I found the nausea / hungover feeling lasted about 3 days but I was really fortunate and not actually sick and the meds I was given worked really well. If you are actually being sick then ring the helpline no that you’ve been given and they will advise you what to do. I have rung them on a couple of occasions for minor things - so don’t think that you’re wasting their time, it’s what they’re there for. Take your temperature first - they always ask that!
Make sure you let your chemo team know you’ve been suffering because they can change the anti sickness medication for next time.
Have you been on the chemotherapy monthly threads on here? They’re so helpful for support and advice! There is a lady on the March starters thread who has been suffering bad sickness and is starting to feel better now - she’s a few days ahead of you in treatment.
Hope this is helpful and that you start to feel better soon :slight_smile: