Side effects of Anastrozole

Has anyone on Anastrozole found that they have stiff and sore joints in their fingers, particularly in the morning? I have also put on about a stone in weight. Is this common?

I’ve been on anastrozole since April but am not really aware of additional pains in my hands or feet as I was already suffering from arthritis before having cancer (I’m nearly 70). However, when my GP asked whether I was suffering from any side-effects he did ask whether I’d put on weight lately. I admitted that I’d put on half a stone in the last six months - he just made a note and nodded. I didn’t take it further as my consultation was about something else and you know how strict doctors are at keeping to their schedule.

Hi Lauram22…I have been taking Anastrozole since August 2012, and achey joints seem to be one of the more common side effects. Fingers and hands have eased greatly, however the acheyness seems to randomly move about my body…in my ankles/feet now!!! To ease mine I take Glucosamine/Chondroitin and fish oil supplements every day…really does seem to work (very, very rarely do I need to resort to painkillers). In the early days I used a ‘stress ball’ to squeeze gently first thing in the morning. Without changing my diet/exercise (was fit and healthy pre-bc) I have gained nearly 2 stone through chemo/hormone treatment; not sure why, and can’t seem to shift it :frowning: Plan to have a concerted effort in the New Year. As I posted elsewhere recently, the side effects do tend to wear off/become manageable…at least for me…not for everyone possibly. Hope some of this helps? All the best x

Hi All,


I have been on this medication since the summer of last year - initially my legs were so heavy & achey in the mornings & I was very fatigued. Discussed this with my oncologist & she advised persisting, my cancer was very oestrogen receptive. I am pleased to say the effects do seem to be minimising. Fatigue is not listed as a side effect in the drug book (BNF) but is listed on the information sheet given to me. I also saw weight gain was a possible side effect. Being slightly overweight I joined slimming world where a colleague of mine had been having great success & I have to report that after 9lb loss (for me very gradual over the weeks varying between 0.5 - 1.5 lbs per week) I am now at my self declared target weight & the BMI is within normal. I dislike diets - the word itself has me cramming my face - but I found the slimming world plan very workable & the group supportive. They didnt know my diagnosis & sometimes it is good to leave that issue behind. I believe the magazine Bella may have a voucher for membership in it this week - or perhaps that was last week…


Good luck to us all,



Hey minniemouse, i am on my 3rd differently packaged brand of anastrozole, with the 2nd one seemingly suiting me best. The most recent switch seems to have me flushing and having *body skin shivers* much more frequently, thankfully no heavy legs or joint pains. Am going to find a pharmacy willing to supply the second make… all will vary a little despite the active ingredient i believe.
I did join slimming world to shift some weight, and found their style of eating conducive to weoght loss without hunger, am now at normal BMI

hi guys

ive been on anastrozole for two and half years now, only just seen on thread that there are different brands.

In the beginning i suffered bad with ankle,feet pains on awaking up and walking ,very stiff this wore off after a while and was much better moving my joints. I also had  stiffness in hands felt some times like hot aches like cant move fingers when cold.Also if i had sat for too long watching telly my back ached and wore off when moving around.Now i have hip aches and achey back in a morning,once again this will go when moving around.I am 57 yrs old may be some of it is old age comming on ,never had these problems before cancer.

may be different brands have different effects ? then again why is one brand more expensive than others?

Is there anyone on this thread know of any one past the 5yr tablet stage know if these issues dissappear after finishing tablets?

regards cils

I am aeeing my oncologist next week hoping tobe issued Amridex rather than the generic firm hoping it may suit me better. Will let you know how i get on x

Unfortunately, I’ve already had letrozole and because I reacted badly to that I was put on anastrozole. I think I’m just as angry at myself for not putting it all together sooner,and having a year of increasing misery. I also have headaches and a cough which I had put down to the fact that the last programme of radiotherapy damaged my lung and received treatment for that at the time. I’m just being self indulgent and I’ll snap out of it.