side effects

What are the side effects meant to be on tamoxifen without reading the leaflet inside the pack, because it seems different to what the leaflet is saying on here,
I started taking them last wed, on thu and fri I couldnt stop crying and felt rather heady is how i can describe it and a bit wierd, im suffering from anxiety and depression and put it down to feeling worse, but am not sure now. can some body enlighten me

Have a search on here for a thread called “Tamoxifen Buddies wanted” and you will see a lot of people’s comments about their expreiences and side effects.
Personally, I have found it has made me more weepy too, plus I have spots fit for any 15 year old boy, occasional cramp in my feet/calves at night and the odd hot flush just as I am waking up.
I think the side effects can change as time goes on too. I have only been on it for a month.
Are you taking anything for your anxiety/depression ?

Hope that helps a bit
Take care

Anna x

No not taking antidepressants, dont like the way they make me feel, but im on activan tranqiilizers ihave been on them for a while, but i just didnt need depressive symtoms on top of my own. I have been on these for a week neary thats all;are they supposed to last all the time we are on them.
I also have a dry mouth and a strange taste since taking them maybe thats something different too, all too confusing

Hi mcgill
sorry you are feeling so rubbish. I am not sure how long the side- effects are meant to last, but from what other people have said, they seem to come and go, and sometimes change if you are given a different brand of Tamoxifen. I started on APS brand but now have Wockhardt. What brand do you have ?

Anna xx

im on the same as you, but what could the brand have to do with it?. its ok im a bit green to this site, and not brilliant on computers

I don’t know really, just that others on this site have reported more side effects on one brand than another…!
Don’t worry, I found this site quite complicated to use at first as well!

Anna x

not sure about all the abreviations on here either like WLE for instance, is this something everyone picks up

Hi Mcgill49,

I’ve put for you below the link to our Glossary where you can find what all the abreviations mean.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi mcgill. I was talking to my GP last week about the side effects of tamoxifen made different manufacturers. It didn;t make sense to me that different tablets could have different side effects. Apparently the difference is not the tamoxifen itself, but the other ingredients in the tablet which deliver it into your system. If you’re feeling awful on one brand it is worth trying another. I think my GP said that there are a few different ones 4 I think but don’t quote me on that.

You need to feel as well as you can so don’t be afraid to ask your GP if you can try a different one.

Keep posting on here because you’ll get loads of support and information.

Hi Anna

I hope you are OK Anna and coping with your treatment all right. I keep thinking of you treking off every day.

Love to you both Jan xxx

Yeah I know I was stuck on them for ages too. Someone suggested that there should be a list to help newcomers, but no sign of it yet.
Here are the ones I’ve learnt:

WLE= wide local execision ie. lumpectomy
SNB= sentinel node biopsy
dx= diagnosed/diagnosis
ER+ = oestrogen receptor positive tumour
PR+ ditto progesterone
ANC= ancillary node clearance
TN= triple negative
LVI= lympho vascualr invasion
rads= radiotherapy
FEC/TAX etc= different types of chemo ( sorry I don’t know much about these as I am not having this treatment)
onc= oncologist

Sorry can’t think of any more right now! Hope I am correct on all of them…!

Anna x

wow thanks for that little lot, and thanks for yours posts

Thanks Anna. I wasn’t sure of some of them either. You haven’t included BCN though, which is breast care nurse I think.

Jan xx

Hi Jan

Yes that’s right ! BCN= breast care nurse

My rads are going ok and the car park has not been too bad ! I am nearly half way through already…how time flies!!

Can you remember which room you were in ? I am usually in LA9, which has Winnie the Pooh stickers on the underside of the rads machine!!!

Anna x

Hi Anna
Glad to hear you’re doing OK. Yes it does seem to have flown. I was on the first machine as you go into the department. Is it LA 1? They staff were wonderful, we had loads of laughs.
Is LA 9 round the corner at the top? I had one treatment round there when my machine was being serviced.
I love your pic you look lovely. Keep your chin up not long now.
Keep in touch.

Jan xxx

Hi Jan

yes LA9 is right at the end of the corridor and round the corner. However today they had a bit of a backlog at LA9, so this other lady and I were transferred to LA2! It was good of them to sort it out so we didn’t have to wait too long. I have found them very friendly and efficient.

Thanks for your kind comments about my pic. That was taken in summer 08 next to the River Severn in Bewdley. I am going to put a different one up next week !

Take care

Anna x