Silicone Implant Versus Extender Implant For Bigger Breasts 38DD

Hi there, I was diagnosed with micro invasive Multi Centric DCIS ER+ Cancer in my right breast on 4 Jan which has spread to one lymph node under right arm.  I’ve had MRI, CT and PET CT scans to rule out cancer anywhere else and thankfully I’m all clear so it is localised.  I’m due to have a mastectomy on my right breast and removal of all lymph nodes under the right arm on 10th Feb and was recommended the extender implant based purely on my breast size.  I was told that the extender implant would take the pressure off my skin allowing the breast shape and size to be extended over time as opposed to having a fixed implant right away that would put a lot of pressure onto the skin.  I would prefer to have the fixed implant right away to avoid future surgery, having to have the saline injected over time and it feels nicer but I felt the surgeon felt the extender was the best option so was happy to go with the flow.  I have been informed today the extender is out of stock and so my surgeon is looking for a fixed implant so I’m a bit confused as I didn’t realise this was a real option.  Has anyone else had the fixed implant with a similar size chest as me and are happy with the results and no issues with the skin struggling to cope?  I know I’m probably going to end up with a size C chest but that’s fine either way, just interested in feedback on either the extender or the implant so I can make an decision on which will be best for me.  I would prefer the silicone but not if my skin won’t be able to withstand the weight of it at the outset. Thank you for sharing your experiences. 

Hi I’m sorry you didn’t get a reply to your post. I hope you are happy with whatever option you decided to go ahead with and are recovery ok from your surgery .x