Silversue's wedding

Silversue’s Wedding

What a weekend! My face aches from beaming, and I’ve nearly lost my voice from talking so much.
Started with family arriving on Thursday, and the marquee at our village hall, so spent most of the day up there decorating . Also collected food for the Friday evening bash, and distributed it to neighbours who were preparing salads etc for me.
The wedding itself was on Friday, my daughter had given God his instructions, and it didn’t rain (she had bought me a silver umbrella and decorated it with burgundy flowers just in case.) When the cavalcade of 16 seater stretch Hummer for us and the immediate family, two coaches containing friends, neighbours, choir and keyboard, and the paparazzi car arrived at the Council Offices where the Register Office is, all the staff were hanging out the windows to watch!
Service was fantastic, we filled the Council Chamber, as there were about 100 of us, not a dry eye in the house, then back to the village hall for bubbly and a buffet. I think I got to bed just before midnight.
Saturday morning we re-decorated the hall and added more flowers to the marquee so that everything looked different. Managed to grab a brief snooze before starting again at 6.30. I decided to wear my wedding dress again, as some of the 150 guests hadn’t been to the service, so wouldn’t have seen it. Every woman has to be a Princess for a day, so I decided to be a Princess for 2 days! Big buffet, not done by me this time, and the disco guy was projecting pictures of the wedding, and pictures of the Happy Couple as children, on to the walls. I still cannot believe some of the things our Best Man got away with saying in his speech, I think he kept moving swiftly on before we fully realised what he’d said!
I threw my new husband completely by reading a poem that I had written, hankies out again. (I’m not a serious poet, but a dab hand at the odd silly ode). Oh, and fireworks at 11 in the lull of the rain.
Back to the hall on Sunday to clear up, and for our brilliant caterers to do breakfast for about 60, who were our visitors from outside the village who were staying with friends in the village, and their hosts. Highlight of this was my two grown-up children giving my new husband a Father’s day card. He has no children, so it was the first one he had ever received .

Now filling bottle banks, taking rubbish to the skip, returning glasses, and washing 20 tablecloths and heaven only knows how many teatowels.
If doing all of the above makes me sound like Superwoman, I hasten to add I live in a very supportive village, and we cater for 80-100 about 4 times a year, so are used to it!
A long soak in the bath and a very early night tonight I think.

I will try to find a site to posts some photos on, any ideas anyone?

As some of you may know, instead of asking for wedding presents, as we don’t need more stuff, we have asked for donations to 2 charities, mine being the BCC, so I’ll let you know later how much we raised.


Hi Silversue

congratulations and the very best wishes to both of you.
Ian and I got married 2004 I had just been diagnosed and was only given 6 months. Saturday is 21st June and our 4 th wedding anniversary!!

Love Debsxxx

Oh Sue
I am crying reading about your wonderful day- congratulations.It takes me back to our wedding last Oct,day after dx and what an emotional son gave me away and I was so proud of him when he made his first ever public speech and he said his thanks and then said that I know Colin makes my mum happy and if mum is happy so am I.
I hope you will be as happy as I am, catch up with you soon


ahhhh…can just cry for you all. ok, am crying for you all.
Congratulations, Sue, it was a wonderful three days and nights – I hope you and your new husband are very happy and healthy, too. Thanks for posting the thread…can’t wait to see the pictures!!!


It was wonderful to read your lovely post. Many many congratulation. I wish you all the things you wish yourself, and then some. I hope you can find a way for us to see your pix.

Lts of hugs

congratulations on the wedding Sue - the entire weekend sounds wonderful and I wish you many years of happiness with your new husband.


Just wanted to add my congratulations - sounds like a beautiful time.

Health and happiness to you both

Lots of Love

Congratulations. Lovely to read something positive and fun.

Best wishes



Congratulations, it sounds like a fab time was had by all. Hope you are getting a well earned honeymoon at some point as well, you both deserve it. Will be in at the DDI to raise a toast.


Hi Sue congrats to you both sounds like you ahd a wonderful time xxxxxxxxxxxxMaz

HI Sue,

Heartfelt congratulations, may you and he have many years of happiness (or is that what you get before you meet and get married?!)

Sue xxxxxxxxx

Hi Sue,
Congratulations honey, sounds like you had a fantastic weekend.
If you need help with the photos on facebook just let me know, easier than you think.

Loads of love and Hugs

Oh Sue, your wedding sounds fantastic and so much fun. Wishing you and your husband the best.
teacup xx

Just seen this many many CONGRATULATIONSxxxxx

Congratulations on your marriage, your wedding sounded wonderful and so very loving and personal with all the village helping and joining in. It must be a lovely place to live.
I wish you all the best for the future.
Caz x

as i’m having a litte drink just now i’ll raise my glass to you and your OH. many best wishes.xx