Simply can't sleep!

Anyone out there also not able to sleep.
Since I was diagnosed in April it’s been a steady decline of body and mind. Operation wide local incition margins not clear , now FEC-T chemo due to have 3rd of 6 on Tuesday. Had a tranplsntable port fitted in my chest on 16th July as thrombophlebitis in arm from 2nd Fec. Now both my arms are affected can’t do arm exercises until port cuts heal. So feel for every step forward I go two steps back.
Right now all I want to do is sleep but I can’t! It’s partly the hot 30c humid weather but mainly I’m
so scared. I’m afarid of taking sleeping pills as don’t want it to affect my breathing and thus cause problems with my port.
Anyone out there feel the same?
Would help to share. So please kindly reply.

Hi Franci,

I didn’t sleep at all well for worrying and I bet we’re not on our own.

I kow what you mean about one step forwards two steps back - every procedure which is done for a benefit seems to have an adverse side effect which holds something else up - I’m due to start EC soon and wonder what more my body is going to have to go through.

I’m pretty miserable this morning too :frowning:

I want to jump in the car and nip to do my food shopping early as I used to - can’t drive and am down to texting a freidn to ask to be taken - hate it.

Have to try to smile though, I’m enjoyed my cup of tea standing at the door with the door open smelling the garden with the rain! It won’t help me flipping sleep though!

Hugs xxx

Hi Macky
Worry is at times overpowering and I just wanna scream ! Forum helps so thanks for sharing. I hope we both get a good night sleep. Wishing you a smooth passage with EC.

All the Best
F x

I have been unable to sleep well since initial diagnosis but much worse when told needed chemo and herceptin.  Seem to be awake every hour and rarely manage to get more than 4 hours sleep.  Fortunately just retired and live on my own so just stay in bed longer if I can sleep in morning