Sinem's book

My friend Sinem Suphi is compiling a book of letters written by cancer patients. If you’d like to contribute do get in touch with me and I will pass her details on. Your letter can be to anyone or anything you like, she has written hers to herself at the time of diagnosis, another friend is writing a letter to her husband who left her when she finished treatment, mine is a letter to my hair!
And don’t worry if you think writing isn’t your thing, she’s got a great editor! The book will be about human thoughts and experiences, so just pick up a pen and write about how you’re feeling.
Proceeds to breast cancer charities.
kate x

Hi … What a great idea. Please can you tell where we send the letter. I have one done.

Please pm me the details.
Great idea


can you let me have the details please. Not sure who the letter will be to but think it’s a great idea.

K x

Lovely idea, please PM me the details of where to send.

I was a volunteer on a 6 week stress management course for cancer patients after I finished chemo. At the last session the psychologist asked us all to write a letter to ourselves, which we than put in envelopes addressed to ourselves. They were posted back to us 3 months after the course ended and this was to let us see how far we had come since writing. Believe me, it’s a revelation and I would recommend anyone to do this from time to time. It does feel a bit strange to receive a letter from yourself though.

Hi there
Please PM me the details as I have already written a letter to my 13 year old son.
Sallyann XX

Thank you all for your interest, I think I’ve replied to you all but if you haven’t had a message let me know! Sinem is away until next weekend but I’ve told her about the positive response and she’s really excited. She’ll be in touch with you soon. Thanks again, I can’t wait to see the finished book!
Take care all
kate x

I’d like to take part in this please.

Brilliant idea…I too would like to take part x