I have a masectomy booked for jan (no reconstruction yet) and wanted to know how long others had been since op and driving?..I live in the sticks and can use online shopping etc but want to be able to pick up my children from their after school activities etc as soon as possible…
Also any advice on post care single masectomy gratefully received.
You will get a leaflet advicing you after your op.But each time for me was between 2 and 4 weeks.You will have to remember that you will have to be able to do an emergency stop,and also,if you go against any advice you have to think about insurance.
I have had the same question, after lumpectomy couple of years ago I was advised 2 weeks and have been given same leaflet on post op care this time around. I phoned insurance company & they are happy to let me drive as long as I have medical approval. Does the leaflet count or do I need something more definitive??
I’m planning on starting after 2 weeks, I had single mastectomy and no node involvement so movement in my arm is not affected too much.
Don’t know if this helps Sarah xx
I was driving 3 weeks after my masectomy and lymph node removal. My insurance company said as long as I was ok to do an emergency stop I would be covered. Hope this helps x
Wanted to thank everyone fir the advice and guidance - I’ve been told that I sm now needing a double masectomy so figure this might well put paid to the driving idea for a while - school of hard knocks that’s for sure! I do think I’ll get an automatic if I can afford to change car - my commute is 30-40 mins each way and I want to and life as easy as possible in the future x just going to concentrate in getting well first ! Thx again