Single mastectomy. Feeling lost about options

Hello mcsparkle, I had a right side mastectomy last August after two unsuccessful lumpectomies. I never considered reconstruction and I found a prothesis uncomfortable. It was hard at first to get used to it especially as it was in the summer and I thought it looked odd even in loose summery tops, but as time went on I got used to it and it was only what I saw, not what others could see. I wear a little cami top from a well known store a pack of three for around £12.00 they work well and are comfortable. The first few times you go out you may be self conscious but that will pass. Be confident with your decision,good luck with it all and do not let it define you. JSP

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I’m in pretty much the exact same place as you.
I don’t like the idea of a foreign object in my body, hate the idea of going flat (at least right now) but diep surgery/recovery terrifies me too.
I’ve already spoken to two surgeons and seeing a third tomorrow. I’m supposed to have surgery the beginning of Feb so we’re cutting it fine.

First surgeon doesn’t do reconstruction so it was easy to say I wanted to speak to someone else (I wasn’t fond of him anyway).
Second surgeon I’d done some research and was erring towards delayed reconstruction, with an expander in the meantime, so I could make a decision when I feel my brain may hopefully be working better. The second surgeon just pushed and said he didn’t like expanders and thought I should just get an implant (he tried to say oncologists don’t like them either but my oncologist said that wasn’t true).
I’m hoping this third surgeon listens and is more helpful cos after this I don’t know what to do.

I’m probably open to immediate reconstruction as I am due to have some gynae surgery later in the year which may scar the potential diep area if I have it first (which may mess up reconstruction results). If the surgeon says I can’t have diep after that surgery I’ll probably agree to immediate.
After the last several months dragging with the chemo it’s so stressful everything now feeling so rushed.

Whatever your decision or how you get there, I can’t help (wish I could help myself let alone anyone else) but just know you’re definitely not alone. I wish the surgeons (or at least the ones I’ve met) could just acknowledge what a monumental decision it is, especially after many of us have spent several months being bossed around and told what to do with little to no control and now suddenly the big decision that we have to live with is ours (and sometimes even then it’s poo-pooed by the surgeon).
Stay strong. :fist:t3: