Single mastectomy. Feeling lost about options

you always know where you stand with dads - no frills, straight to the point and mine certainly breaks the ice, feet first. It’s sometimes exactly what is needed though.
He has also seen my scar and was well impressed at how neat it was (and he doesn’t give praise easily). But you know, he’s right. I didn’t want any of this and would go back to pre-cancer in a heartbeat, but, my scar is really good!
Hope today was a better day for you


Hello @mcsparkle lovely,
Totally get your thinking. I had a month to get my head round it all, ups downs also knowing it was definitely the right decision but not knowing how I would actually feel afterwards. I had my single mastectomy no recon yesterday. I definitely had wobbles beginning of the week. When I arrived yesterday everyone was so lovely. I burst into tears as I was being prepped in the theatre, burst into tears as I was waking up and burst into tears when I went back to ward. All part of the process and actually felt better. I do feel a sense of relief that it is now done. Scar looks very neat. Early days yet and I know it is going to be emotional, but one day at a time.
We are all here for you, do you have a date yet? Xx


Lovely words and perfectly put Laura x


Well done, Dramajo health and happiness going forward. Always good to have a cry

Hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:


Thankyou Tili xx :heart:

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@Dramajo I am so pleased you felt that sense of relief. I hope you’re healing goes well and that you have a lot of support around you. I am an emotional wreck now, can’t imagine how I’ll be on the actual day! I think lots of crying is definitely part of the process, and I think it’s really healthy to let it all out!

My surgery date is 28th Feb. Feels like a good date. Although I am absolutely dreading it. I just need to get my head around it a little more before the day (if that’s even possible!).

Keep us updated with your recovery. Be kind to yourself and know that I am rooting for you!! :heart:


Dear mcsparkle,

Thinking of you, wishing you well with your upcoming surgery, be kind to yourself lots rest, nice treats.

Lots of luck, health and happiness ahead.

Much love Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

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Thank you @Tili :heart::heart:

Hello @mcsparkle

That is just the best news. I’m so pleased that you’ve found a surgeon you’re happy with.

About the how you’re feeling - totally understandable. Once you’ve recovered from your op and your surgery ‘settles down’, it doesn’t feel any different. You might be mindful of having a prosthetic when you go out for a few times but after a while that’ll go. This summer I wore a halterneck top that needed a strapless bra. I asked 2 of the gang of girls I was with to keep an eye on me, ‘just in case’. Not necessary! I wore that style of top every night on a short holiday a few months later.

I sometimes catch myself in mirror post-shower and I’m “Ooh, I’ve only got one boob.” It will become ‘normal’, never the same as before you even thought of going to see your GP because there’s sometimes a little “Blimey, I had BC” thought or similar that flits through your brain.

Honestly, my biggest worry is my puppy ear - it can be a bit uncomfortable in/over my bra at times but it’s a case of taking 30 seconds max. to fit it properly when I put them on. It can’t be seen my others.

Having said that, my puppy has decided to disappear in the last few weeks (I’m 4 years post op) and it feels well strange as I can feel muscles I’ve not for years. Think my cording’s playing up so my BCN is organising a physio visit and a check with my lymphoedema team - great they are checking things out.

Sending a virtual hug and hand-holding for your op.

AnGELa x


Thank you @Gelbel it’s so reassuring to hear from someone who has been through it! I hope your cording gets better for you soon, it’s great that you are being looked after. I wish you lots of luck with that.

It’s so lovely to have you all to turn to. Thank you so much for your kindness everyone :heart::heart:

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@mcsparkle thankyou.
I am very lucky and have lots of support.
Went for a walk today , good to get some fresh air, then a shower :grin:
I am so glad you have a date, all the emotions are absolutely normal and to be expected.
We are with you every step, in it together.
I found the time I had before the op , although at times overwhelming was still beneficial just to get my head round it and get used to the idea.

Just sending lots of love and virtual hugs xx


How are you doing @Dramajo? I hope you’re recovering well. I’ve been thinking of you x

Hi @mcsparkle
I am doing well thankyou!
Having a walk daily and my scar looks really healthy. Just on paracetamol and ibuprofen but not as often. Doing my exercises religiously :grin:
Still feel quite tired but being sensible and listening to my body .
How are you doing? Hopefully by this time next week you will be through the other side. I hope you are managing to fill your days so that next week goes swiftly.

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@Dramajo I’m so pleased to hear you’re doing well. I can imagine the tiredness doesn’t go away for a bit. All the stress of the last few weeks must catch up with you once the surgery is out of the way too. Definitely listen to your body.

I’m ok. I’m having smaller wobbles now but I’m probably due another epic one before the big day, so I’m fully expecting that! I’m shopping for some must haves this weekend, just trying to stock up on things I might need (and attempting to distract myself by having a to do list!). Is there anything you’d recommend?

Keep looking after yourself, I hope you’re feeling better each day x


@mcsparkle You’ve absolutely got this! :muscle:
I would say comfy bra I find comfort especially at night is important. Have you been given a heart shape pillow? They are great for popping under your arm to relieve pressure. A good stash of paracetamol and ibuprofen for the first few days. Keep those meds up even if you start to feel a bit better for a few days.
This is personal to me but I have been taking photos of the scar as a record. Useful as I have developed a seroma but it hasn’t got any bigger and is soft so nothing to be worried about, but was good to compare photos.
Just take the time it needs, sometimes easier said than done, Especially when you love the work you do and you need to be fit to do it! Flat Friends UK has been a useful group too.
Sending good vibes your way xxx


Thanks @Dramajo No, I haven’t got a heart shaped pillow, but I’ll look into that. I’ve been given a drain bag and some softies.

I’m stocking up on pain relief and have some front button tops for ease.

It’s getting so close now after feeling so far away! Like you, I am appreciating this time to prep. It’s helping to wrap my head around things a little more and I managed to visit my family, who live over 4 hours away. I really appreciated that time with them in the midst of all this. It’s also helpful for my son to have time to get used to the idea as well (we are very close and his favourite thing is Mumma cuddles, so it’s going to be tough for him).

I hope your seroma improves quickly! Sending lots of healing vibes your way and wishing you an uneventful recovery xx

@Dramajo photos are a great idea! It can be hard to see the progress otherwise. I was thinking of the doing the same. X

Hello lovely @mcsparkle
So glad you are having that time to process and spend some good family time.
I was lucky I didn’t have drains, although be prepared the scar may be big, it will depend on how your surgeon does things.
The most important thing is you and looking after yourself.
I really believe once it is done you will feel better especially as you know this is the right decision for you.
I am here if you have a wobble x


Morning @mcsparkle
Just wanted to send you loads of love and positive vibes for tomorrow xx
You’ve got this xxx

Hi just jumping in this thread. I had SMX with expander reconstruction four weeks ago today. I had a drain in for 6 days and after the removal developed a small seroma above the implant. I wondered if anyone else had this and how long the seroma took to resolve. My surgeon had checked it twice and happy it doesn’t need draining and it is still soft. But for me my reconstruction actually looks bigger than my natural side which is odd to me as it was only filled 50%z I am probably just being impatient as I am very happy with the actual reconstruction just wish the seroma and the post op selling would go down now xx