Single mastectomy

Please help. I had a single mastectomy less than 2 weeks ago. Following a routine mammogram. It all happened in less than 4 weeks. I have only shoulder pain and the daily visits from the nurse are positive.
The hospital bra is my issue. They hurt my shoulder like hell and im so hot i just cry when i put it on and have to go home to take it off almost as soon as i step outside.
I fear i will stop leaving the house because its so uncomfortable and i cant be seen with just one boob. I feel like a freak and dont want to see anyone but i know i will have to once radio therapy starts. Im 50 and had lots of confidence till 2 weeks ago.


Did you now get given a softie at the hospital? If not please speak to your breast care nurses they will sort you out. Or M&S do a good range. You do not have to wear the hospital bra if it’s uncomfy, Asda do a fabulous range which is really comfy (I would not recommend the M&S post surgery recovery bras, I found these really uncomfy). I also found (eventually) that sizing up (I’m a 34 and went to a 36) was a godsend and so much more comfortable.
My hospital (via the BCN) got me a prosthesis on the NHS, wouldn’t give me this until I was properly recovered though. I’m just over 6 x weeks post surgery (single mastectomy and auxiliary lymph node clearance) and you will get used to it!

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Yes, i was given 2 bras and a soft filling. The pain is in the shoulder blade and getting worse everyday. Its far more painful when in a bra.
I will have to go shopping which im absolutely dreading. The private hospital care has been outstanding and the daily nurse visits are very positive too.
Im just gonna have to face people and find something to wear that doesnt hurt so much. X

I’m sorry to hear this. Have they said what they think the pain in the shoulder blade could be? I remember having a horrific back pain because I must’ve laid funny during the surgery. Can you get a shopping delivery if you are not feeling up to going out? 2 weeks is still really soon - be kind to yourself xx

They are sure its the way im sleeping/holding myself. Im sure in time ir will pass. I think trying bras on may be the best idea. I just dont have the usual shops. Ive moved to France where i was given a routine mammogram by my new GP. Just as well as i found the lump in England and after 9 months managed to get a mammogram then a biopsy then was given the all clear. Arrived here to be told in had cancer and it was a 8cm x 5cm tumor. Im so confused as this could have been treat sooner. I also realise you cant go back in time so theres nothing i can do.

You mention that they think that your pain might be related to how you are holding yourself when sleeping….I had a single mastectomy nearly 3 years ago and I used a very small cushion (heart shaped) and sort of cuddled it where the mastectomy is and it did help while healing… maybe worth a try? If you look online for mastectomy cushion/pillow you will see them. I managed to get a mastectomy bra online with pockets to put prosthesis in (once you are healed and have the proper one). I wish you well and as others say it is still very early

Thank you. I will give the cushion a try.
Im sure these feelings will pass. I was totally ok for the first 2 weeks after the op. The last 3 days have been very difficult. Stitches come out today and monday so hoping that goes ok. Xx

Hello, I had a single mastectomy last year. I just wanted to share my feelings with you as they are so different. I felt like a total fraud with the false boob so started to go out without it and I really don’t think many people notice. If they do, they don’t care, the worst I have seen is a glance from someone. I choose to wear a softie when I have a nice dress on that looks odd without it but in my day to day activities I am OK with my uniboob. There was an article on women’s hour some time ago where people shared similar views and the founder of unobra was interviewed. Our Story – -unobra

You may not be comfortable with it now but you may get used to it. But please don’t be ashamed or self-conscious. You are what you are and people will accept it. I think about it as an amputation, if I see someone missing a hand or a leg, I might take a second glance and then I move on.

As for your shoulder pain, I think you should ask for physio as that sounds quite severe.

Good luck with your recovery.

Thank you. I have to say the discomfort of any bra, so far, is forcing me to go without.
Im having better sleep the last 2 nights so am going back to feeling positive again.
Just had a wobble for a couple of days.
I havent been any further than the garden without a bra but may consider this if the shoulder pain continues. Xx

Hi had something similar shoulder pain was the post op bra , my nurse recommended support crop top which I slept in also had heart pillow and v pillow . I had a softie as well . A friend recommend knitted knockers they are charity they are free just tell them your size etc and they make you one very happy with them I also have a aqua one which is great for swimming , they are less heavy than the nhs ones x

Hi Flo, im sorry to hear about your pain and discomfort. I had a single mastectomy in February.
Took me a while to find a comfy bra. I ended up on Nicola Jane’s website and ordered loads of different ones and tried on at home. My favourite is post surgery, one that has poppers at the front and the shoulders’ straps are velcro straps at the front, not the back.
Could you maybe order some bras to try at home then just return them? Obviously, I dont know how convenient that is for you.
I got the heart cushions too, had one for bed and one for round the house. I think they come with ribbons on so you can tie them on.
If your shoulder is hurting because of how you are holding yourself. Are you tensing. Maybe try some meditation to relax your body.
I hope it settles down soon.

Hi @flo4

So sorry to hear of your situation.
There is a website called Amoena, they specialise in everything post surgery and moving on. You can buy direct from the website or if you are being treated under the NHS in England your consultant can arrange a meeting with one of their fitters and they can go through all the options to help you feel comfortable.
Talk to your breast care team and they will help you.

Wishing you well xx