Single stalk (U3) what's this?

hey OAL thanks… and the answer is… both!

you can read my story in my profile.

you sound a bit like me… procrastination queen… even procrastinate over going to bed.

hope you manage to get some sleep.

Lulu xx

Have any fellow procrastinators noticed that “wasting time” just has three syllables but “procrastinating” has five…?

haha CM id never noticed that before.

must get my arse into gear and head to bed.

nanite xxx

Why? Is your glass empty?

Hope all goes smoothly, OAL.

Very pleased that the combination of Lulu, the article finty found and your son has given you the information. Sorry (but sadly not surprised) to hear that the helpline made you feel bad at the time.

Your son’s research sounds very interesting. And although some individuals might not want to know, it could be useful.

Hope you are reaching for the corkscrew soon!

Eliza xx

Found a much more lengthy article on breast imaging scores, if anyone is interested.

OAL, fingers crossed for today. Hope all goes well.