Hi, my big sister was diagnosed this morning with Grade 1 Tubular Mixed breast cancer. She is 38 years old. Trying to get the facts together so that I can approach this with as much knoweledge as possible. Has anyone had a similar diagnosis? Would really appreciate any guidance on things such as what to expect, what kind of treatment is likely, is this an aggresive cancer, what are the chances of this type of cancer spreading, and anything else that you think would be helpful to know. Thanks you, from a very worried younger sister xx
Hi Tootles
Your sister is very lucky to have you around and wanting to offer so much support, mine was a big help to me too.
I’m sure someone who knows more about this than me will be along soon, but in the meantime I can tell you that Grade 1 means that the cancer cells are slow growing.
There is a link here to information about grades, and from that page you can access lots of other useful things.
Take care of yourself too
Hi Tootles
Your sister is lucky indeed to have you. I was 38 at diagnosis, but mine was a Grade 3. Grade 1 is the least aggressive.
My sister was no help at all. My children were 4 and 2 at the time and I would have loved her to come and help, even just to take them out for a couple of hours, but she did not, or to phone me regularly to see how I was. She has no children. Equally, I did not ask for help. I’m sure you will offer help to your sis, but she can always come on here herself. Ask her how she will best be helped by you.
Make sure you check yourself too!
Hi Tootles and welcome to the BCC forums
In addition to the support here from your fellow users, please feel free to call our helpliners for further support and information on 0808 800 6000 you and your sister may find this helpful, here you can talk things through with one of our team in confidence on 0808 800 6000, the lines are open 9-5 during the week and 9-2 on Saturdays
The following link will take you to the ‘Newly diagnosed’ web page where you will find further support services from BCC:
Take care
Thank you so much for the replies.
Hi Tootles,
Just to add to the info others have given so far, I understand prognosis for tubular type bc is better than most others, and with it being grade 1 too that’s another very positive feature. I had grade 1 ‘mixed with tubular features’ and my dr was very encouraging that all would be well. I am doing fine now a year after diagnosis. My very best wishes to your sister - and to you.
Hi, I was diagnosed with grade 1 tubular breast cancer almost five years ago, and I am still doing fine. My oncologist told me that the chances of a recurrence are about 2%, and my prognosis is excellent. I did not need chemo, just radiotherapy and Tamoxifen, as my tumour was oestrogen positive, which is good. Tubular cancers are small, with very little chance of spreading. I hope this reassures you, and would like to wish your sister all the very best xx
Hi Tootles,
I was pure tubular grade 1 stage 1. I understand that tubular mixed is mixed with some features of something else but certainly the tubular - any kind of tubular - is pretty “good”. If there can be such a thing as “good” in this kind of diagnosis.
It is slow growing, relatively unlikely to spread and grade 1 means that the cells are the most similar to the normal cells in the range of breast cancers. The prognosis is good for tubular. Tubular is also usually strongly hormone positive which means it can be blocked from recurring by hormone therapy such as tamoxifen.
Best wishes to you and your sister. I have done a fair amount of exploring about tubular so if there is anything I can do to help just say
PS: I had two “lumpectomies” or WLEs - the first did not get a clear enough margin - and radiotherapy but no spread to lymph and have just passed my one year after mammo with “no suspicious features.” 98% chance of it never coming back xx
Thank you so very much for the feedback. I really do appreciate it. Have done a lot of reading up today, but nothing beats hearing from kind people who have experienced this.
My sister is the ‘brick’ in our small family, always holding things together when the rest of us need her. I feel fiercely protective of her and being equipped with information will really help. I know that she has decisions to make now and I will definately direct her to this brilliant forum.
I feel very humble - thanks again x
Hi Tootles
I had tubular grade 1 stage 1 in left breast, in right had inflammatory cancer,In 2006 aged 45, had bi-lateral mx (my choice because of inflammatory c) tamoxifen for 5 yrs (it responds to very well) which i have just come off,reconstruction november 2010,was told very slow growing cancer the best one to have and not likely to come back, feel totally back to normal,hope this helps and your sisters better soon lorna xx