Sister Offered Gene Test with me as The Marker

Hi Ladies,

I know very little about Gene Testing as it’s not been offered to me. I had BC last year aged 46, usual surgery, chemo, Radio. My Mum died aged 45 from Secondary BC and her maternal Aunt died from the same under the age of 50.

I have 2 sisters, 3 nieces and 2 daughters. My elder sister is 50 and younger 45, we’ve all been in a breast programme since the age of 40 due to my Mum. Now my younger sister has been offered the Gene test with me as The Marker. Does this mean that I get tested at the same time or if she has it we could potentially all carry it?

I know she will have to go for counselling beforehand but I think this will have far reaching implications for all of us!!

Anyone shed any light

Thanks in advance

I have breast and ovarian cancer in my family. I was diagnosed with bc six years ago and my Mum was diagnosed and died from ovarian cancer in 2008. I had a gene test a couple of years ago and I have neither BRCA 1 or 2 mutations. But 'cos of family history my sister and my daughter will now have regular checks for both cancers and my sister was offered and accepted an oophorectomy last year. The BRCA gene cannot skip a generation. If your sister doesn’t have bc yes they will want blood samples from you. They have to have a sample from someone with cancer. From my experience the genetic appointments myself and my daughter went to were very helpful.

Hi gingery

Breast Cancer Care produces a booklet on this subject, you may find it a useful read? I have given the link here to the page on the site where it can be downloaded. Alternatively, you can order a copy via the site too:

Hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards
