Shock of DCIS and surgery in Feb - happily given all clear. 30 radio therapy sessions due now as preventative measure - 4 young kids, and just 40 next week!
Today I was told I’m likely to also have a Basal Cell Carcinoma (skin cancer) that needs removing. It’s in on my chest, between my breasts and seems to have grown quickly since my op to 1cm. I am concerned it will be affected by Radiotherapy or aggrevated by it.
Anyone been in similar situation? Is there any evidence or experience that radiotherapy leads to acceleration of skin cancers etc? What are the complications?
Of course it’s tempting they just zap the lot of me and hope it all goes away. Can’t believe I’ve had 2 different unrelated cancers in 4 months, tho life jsut before was very stressful for 2 years. Am ashamed of having skin cancer as it’s “my fault” from getting burnt when travelling the world much younger, so can’t tell anyone now. I feel the doctors & relatives & friends have this view too.
I don’t think radiotherapy will affect skin cancer, it is aimed very specifically at the area of the chest that has breast tissue in it, between your breasts won’t be an area that will be affected I wouldn’t think. The trouble with having cancer is that after that every time you hear about cancer or have any issues about cancer you will end up feeling differently about it
before cancer I wasn’t remotely interested in the subject
the good old days
Isn’t basal cell one of the more treatable skin cancers that has an excellent cure rate? As Mole says your radiotherapy will be specifically targeted to the breast so you won’t get two for the price of one in terms of treatment! I am not aware either that radiotherapy causes skin cancer because that was one of my questions before I started. It isn’t fair is it? If you have had one type of cancer, you would think that you have had your fair share and that’s that. Good luck with the treatment for both - I am sure the skin thing will be a simple affair
hi beaubeau - don’t beat yourself up over it … life is a risk and we all make mistakes … who on here has never been drunk, had a cigarette, put on weight, lead a sedentary lifestyle … eaten not enough or too much brocolli …walked in front of those very dangerous buses …
it may be your fault in some way but it can hardly be described as a suicide attempt!
I’d just tell everyone and get it of your consience (spelling?)
good luck with it all - love FizBix xxxxx
Hi Beaubeau
Radiotherapy can cause skin cancer…
I had 25 normal and 8 booster sessions and developed a suspicious area on my treated breast. Thankfully the skin biopsy carried out proved to be ok. I was advised by my consultant (at the Marsden) that they do not use boosters as frequently as they used to because of the problems caused.
Good luck with your treatment.
My own experience of radiotherapy to the breast most certainly covered a great deal more than the immediate breast area. There was some concern when I had rads to the second side that they should not cross the field covered by the previous rads to the other breast. I also recall lead shields being used to protect the area of the larynx.
I would make sure that your concerns are known beaubeau because I believe that radiotherapy is a valid means of treatment for basal cell carcinomas. You could indeed be getting two for the price of one!
thanks for link to backup site. It clearly says that radiotherapy can lead to skin cancers later on. I suppose exposure at a relatively late age is likely to be less of a problem than if you have it earlier in life. As I was 48 when I had it I will probably be about 79 by the time it happens if indeed it is going to. So I’m not going to worry too much
Hello BeauBeau
Don’t feel guilty. When I was first diagnosed with BC I felt it was my fault - used HRT for years, too much wine, topless sunbathing, getting burnt in the sun when younger etc. Then the breast care nurse said - look we don’t really know what causes breast cancer - and at that point I decided not to waste another minute feeling guilty. I think you should do the same. Try not to worry about the opinion of doctors, relatives etc. Just concentrate on getting better. I’ve also heard that basal cell is one of the more treatable cancers.
Good luck and let us know what happens.
Anthi x
Hello BeauBeau,
Sounds like you are having a tough time of it. It may be an idea to speak with your oncologist about the basal cell carcinoma, they will most likely have experience of treating this type of skin cancer, just like many breast care nurses, oncologists have a broad training in cancer before sub- specialising in an area, and many have more than one speciality.
Also no-one asks to get cancer, and it is absolutely not your fault if you have basal cell carcinoma. We can only lead our lives to be the healthiest we can be, given the information and choices available to us.
Best wishes
Tara Beaumont
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Dear all,
I really appreciate all your comments. I will think about them all. It’s great you care to comment or offer help. I start my treatment tomorrow, am nervous. The oncologist has talked about me possibly having to have surgery on my skin cancer during the radiation, which seems worrying. Fortunately my breast surgeon is a specialist in skin cancer!! Am just hoping they all talk to each other…looking forward to seeing the surgeon again to hopefully get a few more answers.
You are right Basal Cell Carcinoma is not usually dangerous by itself, though I have to be more concerned that my body has just switched into overdrive/attack mode to get 2 different ones diagnosed at jsut 40 within 2months…I need to chill out. I have always lived life at double speed…reality check time.
On the guilt thing, is it just me!!? I have noticed me even blaming myself for allowing myself to lead a very stressful life in the last 2 years, i.e. working too hard with 4 kids and sleeping too little. working through the night to keep up. Living on adrenaline has been the norm…anyone know of any research on stress and cancer…I’d be a good test candiate!
But you’re right, why does it have to be my fault!?
All the best
BB - Good luck with all your treatment. Last time I looked into it the reseach shows that “there is no evidence that stress causes cancer”. I know it is something that people often feel must be related, but as others have said it is all so complex and there are lots and lots of things that “might” be associated. My oncologist was another who said “we don’t know why you have breast cancer”, and quite honestly I’m happy to leave it at that. So please, please go easy on yourself - you have more than enough to contend with, as has been written above NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT. Just bloody bad luck. Stop blaming yourself for any little part of it, and don’t even think about letting anyone else make you feel guilty. We all have enough to deal with going through treatment without going into the territory of what might have been different if we could turn the clock back. Hey, I’m sure our minds all wander there sometimes, but we can’t change the past if we wanted to or not. So look forward, chill out because that’s what you deserve right now. You may well want to re-evaluate your life, but make changes because they make you feel better about life and yourself and what you want…kick any guilty thoughts back to where they belong! Best of luck. Sarah
Very kind and yes now 8 doses down the line, feeling very positive by the excellent treatment I am getting by staff. Very efficient and no bad taste music playing either.
Revaling comments on the stress links! Really appreicaite your kind thoughts! and I agree, I have suddenly been struck by the stupity of my own self logic that why try and blame myslef, no need!
All the best to you all,
BB (my son’s best teddybear’s name in case you wondered)
Should also add that amazingly after 8 treatments, although the irritated skin area and BCC is just outside the zapping zone, it has made a huge imporvement. Much smaller, more browney than pink and translucent and not itchey anymore after 3months. I’m due to see my skin specialist on Thurs about it but concerned I’m wasting his time now!!! But the radiologist says I should still go, …maybe it was 2 for the price of 1…
or does it also raise concerns about how far the radio impacts outside the immediate treatment zone?!
Oh well, if it’s for good in my case, I don’t mind!