Skin issues following implant failure

Hi, I had a preventative double mastectomy in May 2023 but unfortunately after developing an infection in one breast I had to have my implant removed and am awaiting reconstruction next year. I am now flatish on my left side, I had some damaged skin which is still healing after having dead skin removed and stitches put in however where the skin is all folded underneath my nipple I am developing redness/soreness and the skin is clearly irritated where it is pressed together and folded. I am showering with just water each day and trying to dry it and keep it clean but it is oozing and looks sore. I’m still seeing the breast care nurses each week but would appreciate any advice to prevent the skin completely deteriorating or developing infection. I am trying to preserve the remaining skin I have but plugging the skin folds with gauze and dressings each day doesn’t seem to be a long term answer. thanks

Hi Jenny,

I don’t have any answers but am interested to hear what you find out as I have also had a failed implant reconstruction. Mine was initially done in June and I had another surgery to try and save it but unfortunately my skin just never healed so the decision was made to remove it so I can have my radiotherapy, and then I’ll pursue another recon in a year when I have my preventative mastectomy on the other side.

One of my physios recommended Moogoo shower wash and body lotion, they are designed for people with very poor quality/damaged skin. I haven’t actually used it yet though as I still can’t shower! I can find link to it if useful.

In the meantime I hope you get some answers/help with this, it’s no way to live while you’re waiting for your next op.

Rach xx

Hello jennyw13

Thank you for your post.

It sounds like a really difficult time for you as @Rach09 says.

It can take time for skin to heal following an infection after breast surgery and it is understandable that you want to do all you can to help with this. Keeping in regular contact with your treatment team and breast nurse as you are doing is a good opportunity to discuss your concerns and ask for any specific advice to help your skin to heal. They may also be able to help with practical advice to help with comfort of the affected area at this time.

Keeping yourself as healthy as you can and eating a well balanced diet can also help with wound healing.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen to your concerns, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK - prefix 18001).

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Breast Care Nurse

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