Skin metastasis

Been out of treatment since May of last year for TNBC. I have this spot to come up on my affected boob. Does this look like skin metastasis? 
Debbie Hall

Hi Debbie

I can understand your need for a quick answer (hopefully you’ve not resorted to Google which is disastrous) but it would be irresponsible for us to diagnose something here. I would advise you to ring your breast care service, despite it being Bank Holiday Monday - the message will be there for them to respond to the following day. My hospital uses a landline but yours may have a more sensible service so you can send on your photograph.

The general rule for recurrent bc is to report anything that doesn’t change for the better or go away after 2 weeks That’s a long time to wait and you’ll have heard from the BCN long before that. I do have secondary TN skin mets but they are almost all at the back of my neck, with a few on my chin which I’d dismissed as lazy acne thanks to hormone therapy (stopped once I got my secondary diagnosis). I’m assuming from the wording of your post that you don’t have MTNBC so, if it helps you to understand secondary breast cancer, my tumour is behind the bridge of my nose! There’s no logic to it. It doesn’t necessarily return to the breast. If you do have MTNBC, my apologies for patronising you!

I’m sorry I can’t reassure you but it really should be left to the experts. I hope it goes away and wish you all the best

Jan xx

Hi Debbie,

Obviously you are anxious and worried about yourself which is only natural, but I really feel that you should contact your breast cancer nurse as soon as possible as they will be able to diagnose you. I know this is difficult at the moment because of the bank holiday.

 I do wish you well going forward, please come back to the forum and let us know how you are getting on.

biggest hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow:

Hi @DebbieLeeHall ,
Did you ever get this checked out? I have something similar and not sure whether to flag it or not.
Sending best wishes,