Skin rash on face and neck , extremely sensitive skin all over

My last chemo treatment was jan 30.started tamoxifen march 1 - I now have extremely sensitive burning skin, rash on face and neck . Feels like sunburn, and have little bumps all over face! Feels like a constant hot flash! Also have nueropathy in hips legs and feet! Ugh I’m so frustrated right now! Does this stuff go away? Inc acts like its no big deal , but I’m miserable!

I had the same problem years ago when I started tamoxifen. I changed brands and it all went away. I didn’t have to go back to my onchologist, just spoke to the pharmacist and he suggested trying another brand as it sometimes helped.
I went onto the branded one (which was a bit more expensive than the first one that caused the rash) maybe my body just liked the idea of me having the pricier tablets :slight_smile:
I think I was allergic to something in the first type they gave me.
It might not be your problem it’s probably be worth a try