Hi There,
I have been taking Tamoxifen now for 18 months. I have recently come up in a skin rash and having read the advice leaflet it says that if you develop a skin rash or “hives” then you should consult your doctor immediately. As a result I went to the Doctor who told me that it could be the Tamoxifen so suggested I stopped taking it for a week or until the rash goes. I tried this for a few days and it seemed to go but as soon as I started taking it again the rash and itchiness during the night returned.
I take APS Tamoxifen but when my last prescription ran out a couple of weeks ago I was given a different Tamoifen from a different manufacturer and it was after taking this that the rash first appeared. My Doctor said that they would get me some more APS in and that I should leave it a while before taking it to get the other one out of my system but now I get the rash when I take the APS Tamoxifen. Maybe I should have another go at leaving it for a week or so and then trying again. The Doctor said that should I still get the rash then they will have to take me off Tamoxifen and put me on something else.
I also seem to get very tired.
Has anyone else had this?