Skin Rash - Tamoxifen

Hi There,

I have been taking Tamoxifen now for 18 months. I have recently come up in a skin rash and having read the advice leaflet it says that if you develop a skin rash or “hives” then you should consult your doctor immediately. As a result I went to the Doctor who told me that it could be the Tamoxifen so suggested I stopped taking it for a week or until the rash goes. I tried this for a few days and it seemed to go but as soon as I started taking it again the rash and itchiness during the night returned.

I take APS Tamoxifen but when my last prescription ran out a couple of weeks ago I was given a different Tamoifen from a different manufacturer and it was after taking this that the rash first appeared. My Doctor said that they would get me some more APS in and that I should leave it a while before taking it to get the other one out of my system but now I get the rash when I take the APS Tamoxifen. Maybe I should have another go at leaving it for a week or so and then trying again. The Doctor said that should I still get the rash then they will have to take me off Tamoxifen and put me on something else.

I also seem to get very tired.

Has anyone else had this?



Hi J. Back in May 06 I had a major problem with skin blistering caused by Tamoxifen. My GP & Consultant advised me to take a break from it and within 2 weeks the blistering started to subside. My husband siad he could see it spreading on a day to day basis while taking it! Thankfully it was on my back & reconstructed breast and the whole area was, still is, numb but it looked like it should itch like hell! I was then put on monthly Zoladex injections. They said there was little or no choice as I was pre-meno (43 yrs old) and few treatments are available for pre-meno BC patients! I am getting on fine with the injections. They are uncomfortable but bearable. The menopausal symptoms are all that I had been told they would be and I get thru them day by day, as any woman of menopausal age has to! And no skin rashes. All of the scarring that was caused by the blistering has faded and is barely visible! Not sure how much any of this may help you but hope it does. Take care, DawnH xx