Skin tags

Hiya, I’m Jackie. I was diagnosed with Her2 breast cancer in March 22. I had 12 weeks chemo and used the cold cap system. I felt the cold cap system brutal but very worthwhile as I kept my hair although it thinned slightly. I also had radiotherapy, Herceptin leg injections and am now on daily letrozole and Zometa six monthly.
Although I had some allergic reactions which were very frustrating and continuing joint pain I feel very lucky to have tumor found early.
My only concern now is that I have persistent white pimple type skin tag on abdomen which doesn’t go away. I also have a few tiny moles under unaffected breast … I just wondered if anybody has experienced this?

Hello Jackie,

Thanks for posting.

Skin tags and skin changes can happen for a variety of different reasons. The white pimples on your abdomen and moles under your breast don’t sound like a side effect of the treatment you are on or have had.

You could ask your GP or treatment team to check these areas for you.

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Breast Care Nurse

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