Skin - whilst on Chemo (FEC)

Hi Ladies,
I was wondering if anyone has some advice. I am on FEC-T, and have only had one lot of FEC so far. However, the skin on my face seems to look really wrinkled in my opinion. Is this normal? Is there anything i can do to combat this? I dont want to end up looking like a shrivelled up old prune along with everything else…
Any advice re: skin care and what i can use would be appreciated.

Hi Rae

I noticed that too but then again I’m older than you I think at 48! I’ve just been and bought some Nivea Q10 in desperation :slight_smile:

awww - bless you Ceej… i’m hoping its not a permanent change :slight_smile:

I had AC chemo at the end of 2010/beginning of 2011 followed by Paclitaxol every 2 weeks and found that my skin really suffered, it really dried out and so looked more wrinkly than ever.

I went and bought Oilatum eczema cream and literally sat and constantly slathered myself in it, face, body, you name it, 3-4 times a day, my skin just seemed to soak it up.

Once my chemo was done, my skin returned to normal and to be honest looked great - probably because of all the cream lavished on it for 4 months.

I think I was pretty wrinkly to start with - I just didnt notice it when I had hair lol xx

Thanks Sam :slight_smile:

And Ceej, you def dont look 48 in your picture!


You’re too kind :slight_smile:

Yes I was the same, I too am 48, looked 58 most of the way through chemo, now all back to normal :wink:

Good to know it goes back to normal :slight_smile:

Hi Rae,
I’m 37 and didn’t really have any lines on my face before chemo (I know, I’m lucky…but other parts of my body are really falling apart lol!), but after the first FEC I seemed to have aged 10 years! I couldn’t believe how many ‘laugh lines’ and crow’s feet I developed in the space of a few days. I use Neal’s Yard Frankincense moisturiser, which is good, but I’ve been topping up by gently rubbing rose hip seed oil straight into the wrinkly areas. I don’t know if it’s ok to use alongside chemo, but I do know it’s particularly helpful with scars and blemishes. Since FEC 2 skin is still quite dry and more lined than usual, but it’s also very clear and my pores are tiny, so as long as I don’t smile I look quite good! heehee
Nice to hear other ladies have gone back to ‘normal’ after chemo has finished.
Carrie x

Was just having a look at your profile (lovely photo, btw) and see you’re into festivals and gigs - me too. :slight_smile: Are you planning to get to any this summer? We’re thinking of taking the kids to Plymouth Volksfest in June - it’s close enough we could come home each night if it gets too much. And a friend has bought an extra Bestival ticket for me as incentive to get through treatment. Really hoping I can make it as the lineup is great again this year.

Thanks Carrie, thats when i still had hair. I am sporting the baldy look now. Will post a pic when i am brave enough :slight_smile:

I’ve not booked any festivals this year. I went to Latitude and Cambridge Folk Festival last year and a few gigs in Hyde Park. Kings of Leon and arcade fire were awesome!
Also - at the Folk Festival Newton Faulkner did an acoustic version of the massive attack song which was pretty amazing…

I am off to see Noah and the Whale on Monday at Royal Albert Hall.

I do love my music…oh and i really want to see Lady GaGa live (as sad as that may seem). I think she would put on an awesome show…

Oh you should definitely do Bestival if you are well enough :slight_smile:
For me seeing Stevie Wonder would be worth the price alone…

See now you have got me started…we can compare festival / gig notes!


I was at Latitude last year, too! Loved it - even tho it was a 9 hour drive each way from Devon. I was supposed to be at the AF/Mumfords gig in Hyde Park last summer but didn’t go at the last minute. Was pretty bummed out that I missed Noah and the Whale at Bestival last year as was a little too hung over (and I think they played at 4pm. Ahem.) My hubby is from Cambridge and raves about the Folk Fest, but I’ve never been. I think I saw Newton doing a version of that on MTV - was there lots of percussion on the guitar? I know what you mean about GaGa - I’m not a fan, but some artists are worth seeing even so. Big surprise for me was Florence and the Machine at Isle of Wight in 2010 - she blew me away.

Yes, I love my live music. :slight_smile:

I’m sure you still look great even without hair. I have a rather fetching thin patch right on top now and can’t decide whether or not to use the cold cap again tomorrow. (That’s my wig in the pic.)

Lots of moisturiser any time you remember to put if on. it gets better after chemo but slap on the creams even if that’s not your usual routinen after a bath slap on moisturiser before you dry yourself. Keep nivea or similar invoice bag and slap on whenever you remember. it’s worst during active chemo and settles down after.

Sorry predictive text on phone …

Posted by CM, 'Sorry predictive text on phone ’

I was hoping you’d been on the vino CM, it would do you good! OK, maybe only temporarily but a lift all the same.

Sleep well.

Ah, I’ve just read your post on 'stop feeling guilty, small rant ’ thread, CM. You are on the vino! Good! I hope it helps you sleep.