slippery elm


Someone suggested that sloppery elm was good for nausa and indegstion during chemo and I was wondering if anyone else has used it or knows anything about it.

Hi Redpark,

I found this on the net for you. I remember my gran giving me this when I was ill and could not eat.

Slippery elm is indicated for the following: indigestion, nausea, cramps, ulcers, colitis, gastritis, GI hyperacidity, digestive problems, kidney problems, diarrhea, constipation, wasting diseases, and cancer. It also aids in the digestion of milk.

Holland and Barrett sell it. You need to check other ingredients and make sure you are not overdosing on vitamins and minerals.

Hope this helps,


Thanks E

Sounds as if it treats everything!! I am surprised I have not heard of it before. Might give it a try becasue the indegestion is driving me mad.


I absolutely swear by it and can’t recommend it highly enough. I have it for heartburn and reflux which I’d never suffered from prior to chemo. When I finished treatment (rads can also cause it) I went to health food shop and was recommended them. Apparently they create a type of coating down your gullet and have something in them to ease the reflux.
I now have a monthly drip for my bone secondaries which is known to cause same problems and it duly did especially at first. Now I just chew one when I need to - very often in the middle of the night - rather than as often as the bottle says cos they’re not cheap !

I would say give them a go - 100%



Thanks i think I will go and see if holland and barraet sell them this morning.


not sure if you will appreciate this but I have had this in my cupboard for years as a remedy for my dogs if they had sickness-seemed to work well on them