Smalls For All

Hello everyone

I wanted to share with you a website I’ve recently stumbled across. It’s called Smalls for All - they are based in Scotland and they basically collect donations of, amongst other things, new and used bras to send to poor communities in Africa. The theory behind this is that if a female is wearing a bra she is more likely to be perceived to be ‘wealthier’, have a male protector and as is such is less likely to be subjected to physical violence and rape.

Having recently undergone a mastectomy and awaiting a reconstruction (this part of my operation was cancelled due to Covid-19) I’ve got a draw full of bras I’m unable to wear for the foreseeable future. Rather than just chuck these in the bin I’m going to donate them to this great cause.

I’m sure there are women out there who are in the same situation as me. I personally feel that by doing this a little bit of good might come from the situation I’ve found myself in.

If you want to do the same just Google Smalls for All to find their website - it gives information about what they do and how you can donate.

Many thanks for reading this

Best wishes, Sue

That’s a really great gesture. Even many ladies of the UK and the US also would like to donate their old bras. It would be great if you share the site with us. 

I, too, have been experiencing severe anxiety lately and cannot sleep …