I was due for a smear test so I did it after my op before my chemo. I got a letter today saying ’ the test shows boardline changes of the cells. These changes happen sometimes and are not cancer… ’ I was invited back for another test in 6 month time…
Very worried as I donot want anything else go wrong with my body…
Have you ever got a letter like this?? What does it mean?
I think it means exactly what it says - that there are slight borderline cell changes, but NOT cancerous cells. The reason why they will give you another test in 6 months is to see if they change again and become carcinogenic or just stay the same. I don’t think you have to worry at the moment, but obviously it’s sensible for them to keep an eye on you.
I had a couple of borderline smeart test results six months apart from each other about 4 years ago and one after that was clear. I’ve just had my routine 3 year test and it has come back clear again. Apparently this is quite common so I wouldn’t worry about it just yet, unless you get an unusual discharge in the meantime.
Sorry you have had this to concern you when you could do with out it. As the other have said at this point they are not worried (if they were they would not be leaving it six months) - Do make sure you let your onc know.
I have had a similar letter and am also very worried. GP says they cannot ignore it and I will be called back in six months. Another worry! I thought stress was bad for bc so how can it help my recovery from bc. I also read on an American site that it was best to avoid smear tests during chemo as low immunity can affect results but no one I have spoken to seems to know anything about this. All very worrying. Do I have cervical can as well now?
I had precancerous cells removed from my cervix 20 years ago. The reason you are recalled after 6 months is because in a lot of women the changes revert back to normal, so I would try not to worry too much. I was given laser treatment because mines was one of the ones that didn’t revert back to normal and the precancerous cells were CIN3 which I think is the highest grade. I asked my surgeon whether there was a link between this and my BC diagnosis and he said none at all.
That’s interesting, I had laser treatment on CIN 2 or 3 (can’t remember) about 25 years ago. I usually insist on a smear every year even though they say I only need one every 3 years. I’ve just had a lumpectomy and SNB, got clear margins but 2 sentinel nodes out of the 5 nodes they removed were cancerous so I’m back in hospital next week for full armpit node clearance, then 5 weeks later chemo, etc etc, so I’m leaving the smear till next year, don’t want to know what’s going on there at the moment lol.
I was discharged last May after 6 years of 6-monthly smears/colposcopy. Was diagnosed CIN 3 after a routine smear in 2002 but after two attempts (loop diathermy in my case), they got rid of the dodgy cells and I’ve been clear ever since. Was dx with BC in January 2008 but was told no link with cervical issues.
Cherub is right: it’s easy to think that because you’re tackling one kind of cancer, there’s a link to another. But cervical and breast cancers are very different things, and if you have borderline changes, then it would be sensible to keep an eye on the situation. Even if you have CIN 3 (and if you’re “borderline”, you aren’t), it’s quickly treatable and not necessarily pre-cancerous. Just see it as what it is: you have borderline changes in some cells.
It’s very common. Don’t worry too much (I’m sure you’ve got plenty other stuff going on) and make sure you don’t miss smear appointments etc. Talk to your GP if you’re worried!
Many thanks for all your comments. Your right I do have a lot of other worries not least of which is being HER2 now about to start radiotherapy and having Herceptin. All scary.