Just a light thread to see if ‘smells’ jog your memory of having treatment for BC.
It all started with my dishwasher!!
I had chemo from Jan-May 2011 and the dishwasher arrived in Feb 2011.
I now keep experiencing unexpected deja-vu feelings when I walk into my kitchen and the dishwasher is on its drying cycle, when it emits a lemony smell into the air, and before i know it, i’m back in the land of chemo for a couple of seconds!
It doesnt happen every time, more so when there is no one else in the house, and i dont always notice the smell on every cycle, so when i do notice it, i’m really intrigued by the effect it has on me.
Another occasion was only this week, which is what prompted me to write.
This time, it was to do with Lenor fabric softener on my washing (summer breeze). I dont buy it very often, only when its on special offer!!
Anyway, the last time i must have used this particular product was when i was having my surgery/ or recovering from surgery, (6 months ago!) because as soon as I hung the wet clothes on the airer, this smell permeated my whole being and for an instant my brain was back in the land of surgery!!
These experiences are fascinating and bizarre and quite thrilling !, any one else had similar?
love, Truddles