I am not sure … as to who is who on this website. Why do people call themselves different names? Is it Karen who started this thread regarding stop smoking? I have been trying to follow it and can’t see who started it and who has attempted to stop smoking.
I stopped years ago (26 to be precise) and I want to help people wanting to stop. So if there is anything I can do to help anyone please let me know. Roz xx
yes Roz it was me [karen] who started the thread…think its me, morgania [spelling] and clairemm who have been talking about giving up smoking…when i get myself motivated i will let you know…book turned up this morning…[Allen Carr’s Easy way to give up smoking for women]…just the motivation needed now.
Hi Karen I am so glad you are still motivated in stopping…just wish I could email you and tell you how I am doing so good at nearly 60 years old with quite a few ops behind me and doing just fine with no smoking. I really feel the need to tell people how good I am. My lungs are good. (I smoked from the age of 19 until I was about 34 - 30 a day). Love Roz xx PS I have had a few drinks tonight though - for a reason! My whole family has a big celebration today and I am the only one not there (I live in SA they are all in UK). Please forgive me, just wanted to chat to someone.
Well done for even thinking about giving up smoking wish I could give it a go, its a bit like dieting the minute you start the more you crave food. Keep promising myself will give up for JULY 1ST when smoking is virtually banned everywhere. Let us know how you get on, might join in with the gang and give it a go…
Hi Claire I just want to say hello…read your profile, gosh you are also young to get BC. I am doing my best to get all you ladies to stop smoking…if you really want to you can - unless you are very weak. (I don’t mean that in the worst way - my very best friend here in SA CANNOT stop smoking, even though she came to chemo with me…it is a drug, but if you want to…I will be there for you. It is the best thing I have ever done…Please don’t think I am on a soapbox, I can appreciate it if you can’t stop but I am here if you WANT to.
You just made me laugh… Elaine…How ASHshamed I am…I am doing my best to get you all to stop…Do I have to get on my soap box again! In my state, with 2 bottles of red wine under my belt I might just fall off the soap box!
Only doing my best to help you all…stop smoking and DRINK - that’s the answer! Love Ros X
Hi Karen
well just got off the phone to friend, and her son read the Allen Carr book but is still smoking!! she said he didnt really want to give up though so I really think if its what you want you will do it. My hubby is on the tablets as I said, My problem is not smoking its I drink to much, and I always say I am not going to but I do, I wouldn’t mind but I have such good times without drink I don’t know why I bother…am going to sort myself out there with promise of a nice holiday next year on the money saved from booze and fags!!
If he can give up the ciggies I can give up something too!!
Glad not alone HI Jax,
Thought I was the only one with a drinking problem on this site…lol
Glad to know there is someone else around, as for the fags, well I promised myself would give up this weekend, but ran out and just had to call in asda to get my supply for the week ahead, plus the wine. God knows what they thought at the check out, booz and fags.
Never mind will try again next weekend eh…
Sure do Hi Roz.,
yes I must make and effort can hardly afford to smoke but it gets me through the day together with a drink or three…lol. But promise I will give it a try…let me finish this fag first…
Hi All, i smoke, and drink, i had given up smoking but after last wednesday i started again!!! still on the patches though!!! only having a few a day, but have found that alcohol consumption has risen a bit, keep telling myself that i need the two to get through this, hubby keeps telling me that i don’t, and as the poor hubby feels like he is walking on eggshells at the minute, he doesn’t dare go on too much!! it just feels like a no win situation at the moment, i really don’t want to be smoking when i go for my op on Friday, but not sure how i can stop myself from feeling that i deserve just one more!!!
I so love a glass of cold wine! my hubby works nights so I sit on myown most of the time and I reckon most nights I fancy a drink, I don’t have one tho but only because I don’t have it in the house very often on purpose as I know I could easily get into the habit…If my brother visits I seize the opportunity and ask him to run me to sainsbury’s …I will go shopping in the day and resist buying alchol most of the time…I don’t have above the recommeded units of 14 in general, and mostly its well below…my problem is that if we go out I will have to much to drink more often now than pre BC and I cant understand myself!!
I am going to make a stand and start to look after myself a bit more my skin was actually quite nice last year on e-cmf but this year on the Taxotere I have to say its not lookin so good and I look poorly a lot of the time…and I have had spots…I’m 45 not 15 I shout in the mirror !!
And I think its because I had given up the booze, I also lost weight that was much needed, and I am back to square one now …got to be the booze…
So can’t think for the life of me what I am going to take up !
Have promised myself that I am going to learn to drive, have had a few lessons when I was working, so perhaps can spend the money there instead…
Trouble is I love having a drink, and my resolve don’t last as long as it should…
Allen Carr does a no alchol book as well, I have bought the no more diets book, is very good going to read it again,…litterally food for thought…so expecting me to be a real healthy woman soon …If you can give up the fags Karen, don’t see why I cant give up my vice!!
Can I join you in your plight to give up? I gave up smoking cigarettes in Jun 2003 but since last year I have taken to smoking the occasional miniature cigar. Well, saying occasional is not strictly true!! It started last august when I literally had a couple week. This slowly became a couple a night but never really got much worse than that.
However, since I was diagnosed in March I have become a fairly regular smoker and am getting through about 6 or 7 mini cigars a day now! I know it may not sound a lot, paricularly as I was once smoking 20-30 ciggies a day, but I think its got to stop. I looked at myself the other day, head scarf on covering my bald chemo head and just thought ‘what do I look like?’. People that see me smoking when I’m out must be horrified. I’m clearly ill yet I insist on doing something that is likely to make me even more ill in the years to come!
I think it is absolutely time to knock it on the head. The nurses at the chemo unit said that it was not such a good idea to stop while I’m on chemo but I really think I should.
Hi Kelly I was also told my chemo nurses not to give up whilst having treatment as it is too stressful a time…but if you want to join us your more than welcome…mind you we haven’t set a date yet…we’ve done plenty of talking about it lol…i’ve even got Allen Carrs book…haven’t read it yet though…think we all need a kick start!!
Hi Karen How do you get in touch with someone on this website? I would like to chat to you but not sure how to go about.it. Is it possbile to get an email address. I would love to get to know you better Karen.
I can help you regarding the giving up smoking, if you WANT to give it you you will, but only if you WANT to. Love Roz xx
Just till I have finished this packet Well I am going to try and stop we had an email at work say that very soon we can not smoke in or around the premises, think its July sometime, cannot remember the date, my head is full of smoke…Lets all try on that date shall we???