

SMOKING… I know I shouldn’t still be doing it anyway and am disgusted with myself that I am…but I have decided to try the acupuncture to help in stopping…will probably start on 6th june…just be fore warned as I might be a right grumpy moo!!
I’m intending to put the money I would of spent on cigarettes in a jar and am hoping that seeing it accumilate will inspire me to carry on…any words of inspiration would be gratefully recieved…but please don’t shout at me I know I should of given it up before!!!

karen x

don’t give up giving up… Hi karen,

I too am a smoker, although i have BC!!! I still can’t stop the weed!! Smoking ban coming up soon and i just wish the government would ban the selling of fags altogether - then i wouldn’t be tempted.

Good for you for giving up though, and saving the money up is a good idea, i’m gonna try and stop again this week (about the 4th time this year!) am fed up with being addicted like this, especially in the circumstances and other people just look at me as if i’ve asked for bc because i smoke.

Good luck and keep trying, i’ll try too this week, just gotta make a set day and psyche myself up for it, god, i can’t believe i’m saying these words to myself.

Morgaina xxx

Morgaina Glad I’m not alone!
Mind you when i was having chemo i was told not to give it up as it was too stressful a time to do it…I was amazed how many people went outside for a quick smoke whilst waiting for their chemo…I know it sounds hypocritical but I just couldn’t have done that.

Hope you have better luck with trying to give up this time…but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t manage yet.

We must keep each other up to date with our mission!!!

karen x

Hi smoking ladies I feel so sorry for people who want to stop smoking…it is a drug. I smoked from the age of 18 until 34 and after 4 attempts managed to stop, it is the best thing I did - BUT it was very hard, it is a drug…only if you REALLY want to stop can you do it. My best friend has watched me go through 2 types of cancer (I stopped smoking before I met her, so as far as she is concerned I am a non smoker, so she has never seen me smoke) has watched me go through hell, she is a really lovely friend BUT she cannot stop smoking. I even told her that there was a lady sitting next to me at chemo who had lung cancer and was having chemo and she was so ill, but it made no difference. I do not condemn her, she cannot stop, I just feel so sorry for her as she is a good 4 years younger than me and I am so much fitter regarding the lungs.

I just wish it was so easy to just stop doing things you love so much.

I did stop with another person doing it with me and we phoned one another when we got ‘weak’. I think stop with someone else, even the ladies on this website to give yourself confidence. What do you think ladies, I will help you. I am 59, my picture is on this website, I feel good, just got rid of breast and brain cancer. Came through all ops with flying colours with operations, all because I had good lungs!

Thanks Roz Thats the kind of words we need to spur us on.
I have however decided not to go down the acupuncture route…if i’m going to give this addiction up i want to do it by myself…sounds daft but i’d feel prouder of myself doing that way…so am trying to prepare myself mentally…will let you know when D-DAY is…

karen x

I’M WITH YOU ALL THE WAY KAREN… You’re half way there as I know you want to stop…I tried every way possible, firstly started my first fag an hour later every day, that didn’t work. Then I tried menthol, that didn’t work either. Then I tried social smoking, that didn’t work either.

Then I stopped with a friend, just stopped. No lighting up my friend’s fags. I did leave ashtrays all around the house and they are still around the house and never get used. That was when I stopped. I can honestly say that I will never light anyone else’s ciggie up as now and again I still smell a lovely tobacca smell from certain ciggies. But I have stopped now since 1980, so will never ever start again…now red wine is a different story. ha ha ha. Love Roz xx

still psyching myself up hi all,

I’m wondering if hypnosis is a good idea. Heard a few success stories with it, but I think it’s quite expensive. Cold turkey is sooooooo hard to do - still gotta psyche myself up for it! Chewing gum is a cheap alternative, might go and buy bulkload in preparation for giving up.

Will set a date soon…lol…(keep putting it off!!!).

Morgaina xxx

and me …!! will set a date when you do…lol!!

karen xx

Hi everyone well I have to join you I am also a smoker I was told by my surgeon when first diagnosed that I should not give up till treatment is over if I am going to get more streesed I knew I would so I carried on I kept telling people I would give up when the chemo was over then I put it off and said I would stop when the radio was over now I am on herceptin and still making excuses. I am discusted in myself I hate smoking and really do want to give up I hate the way people look and me and when they say my god you have cacner and are still smoking teh doctor told me I was stupid as I was only 24 when diagnosed with bc he said it has got you once at a young age and you are still smoking if it gets you again we will not be able to safe you again he was very blunt but I guess he is right. I have the gum and the plastic thing that you puff but it is just so hard I live with my parents and partner and they all smoke but we dont smoke in the house.
How have others given up is it really as hard as we all think it is going to be ??
Love Clairemmx x

smoking whilst writing this… Hi all,

Well I set a date for today to give up and then, hey presto, got up this morning and forgot (chemo brain)!! So, how about we all set a date together?

I think it’s the fear of giving up that’s the problem. I gave up for 8 months once, I felt great after just a short time of no nicotine too, but, alas, xmas parties came along and will power gave in. It’s just ridiculously hard to give up smoking - that first week is the hardest I think, but then, you get to the third week and start thinking about other things. Just wish we could jump to that third week!!!

I have a fake cigarette from a joke shop, as I know half of my addiction is probably the ritual of getting a fag out of the packet and holding it - so am intending to use that to help. It’s all in the mind apparently - will just have to try and understand ‘why’ we need a cigarette, I mean it’s just a small white stick that, after the first one in the morning, the rest I have during the day are just habitual.

Okay, I’ve said me piece - and it’s easy to say all that when you’re sitting here puffing on a fag whilst typing it…keep chatting about it, it’s probably psyching us up without even knowing it…subliminal messaging?!! lol.

Morgaina xxx

Thought about trying the nicorette inhalers???
going to check with my gp next friday whats its ok to use/try…
like you Morgaina its habitual with me…yet when i’m at work i don’t have a fag all day!!..when i had my chemo i sat in the waiting room all day and didn’t have one…yet when i’m worried, stressed, nervous the first thing i do is have a cigarette, if i’m bored i have a cigarette.
Like you clairemm…i set myself times ie., after my next check-up after my mammogram etc.,
yet when i was having chemo although i didn’t give up i only smoked 4 or 5 a day.
So are we going to set a date together???

karen xx

YES SET A DATE… Gosh, who am I to tell you…I am not joining you because I managed to stop. If I can help just ONE of you to stop, then I will be so pleased! Let me help any of you if you really want to stop.

I really really mean it, I smoked for about 20+ years and stopped and am so pleased wih myself. 2 cancers, goodness knows how many ops and came out of it all with flying colours because I MANAGED TO PACK IT UP!

My lungs are pretty good, I am classed as a NON SMOKER, and yet I know how hard it is to stop. But you HAVE to want to stop, if you don’t then don’t bother, but if you WANT to stop, then I am with you all the way.

If any of you REALLY want to stop, I promise you I will help you. I feel so good from not smoking. I don’t know what else to say, I just really want to help someone who wants to stop.

Hello All of you…

well I am a non smoker…but I believe I can help you all genuinly…
Have you read Allen Carr’s easy way to give up smoking book? No you cant have because if you had you would have given up I am sure of this…you can get it from amazon I think…about a fiver for a used copy…

My dad tried hundred’s of times litterally, 60 a day man, age 62 my brother smoked 40 a day, age 44…read this book and gave up, you actually are encouraged to carry on smoking while reading the book I have read it just to see how they did it, and its easy reading honest…it works on the truth about smoking and the myths…Neither have had a cigarette for three years now and once gave up never craved one again…

And now my daughters boyfriend just read it and has given up three weeks now…and he didnt get the advice to do this from us, they live in SA and she told me yesterday on the phone…I am so proud of him…she can’t believe it that he has no craving or anything just from reading a book!! and we never discussed her grandad not smoking because she is a non smoker and took no notice of his non smoking…or his smoking

Please try it if you have a problem, give it a go…because I have first hand experience of my dad doing this and its truely unbelievable …I had the book off my dad then passed it on to my neice who never bothered to read it…I gave it to her because she was pregnant and I wanted her to stop smoking, she never did, so of course she never really wanted to and I am going to ask her if she still has it…

But on saying that the book she had off me was the one he wrote for men as he has one for men and one for women…Just Google Allen Carr, Please !!

My own Husband is a committed smoker and I would give anything for him to read this book but he wont, till he is ready and maybe the stress of me at the mo is not the right time for him,

I wish you all the best in this and am so confident it will work for you all and add many years of health and wealth to you…

Love Jax

A question for you Jax… Where in SA do they live? I am in Johannesburg.

Hi Roz they live in Cape Town a place called oranjezicht, Richard is home grown Beth is British

hi roz I sent you a post a few weeks ago it must have got lost as I looked for it and couldnt find it. Never mind I was just telling you my sister lives in Port Elizabeth she has been there for 25 years she has 2 girls I have got over here in Scotland with her husband for 3 weeks holiday so we are out showing her the sights every day. I went to SA 2 years ago had a fantastic time I had stopped somking for 2 years before I went and the first night I arrived in PE I started again because the fags were so cheap. I has a masectomy in January have had 6 chemos now (1 today) si I have only got 2 to go then I have to take Armitrex for 5 years. I am not looking forward to that as I have read on here some of the terrible side effects I couldnt cope with them for 5 years I am 48 and am hopeing to get back to work aroung August I am so sorry to hear about your cancers god you have had it bad reading your posts you seem such a strong lady I wish you well and You Take Care Love Linda X

HI LINDA I’ve only just noticed this posting…so lovely to hear you have a sister in Port Elizabeth and you have been over here for a holiday a couple of years ago. Whereabouts are you in Scotland? I have a dear friend who I worked with over here in SA and she went to work and live in Edinburgh. She goes on all those hikes and climbs ‘Monros’, I think that is the word and she sends me the most beautiful photos of scenery.

Regarding Arimidex. My onc put me on it when I had breast cancer in November 2003. I lasted about a year, I had excrutiating pains in my knees, hips and leg bones. I would wake up in pain crying. I was going to take my chances and stop it, so I went to my onc who put me on Aromasin. I have not looked back, I have NO side effects from the drug, have been on it 18 months now. I just get a bit of stiffness in the ankles first thing but when I have limbered up I am ok then. I went through a brain tumour and am also taking medication for that too and coping extremely well. (A liability to the medical aid though! ha ha)

Try Arimidex, see how you get on as I know some ladies manage on it just fine, but if you are having problems after a few months please ask your onc about Aromasin. There are 3 AIs that are recommended, the other one is Femara but I think that is given to ladies that haven’t gone through the menopause. (I had a hysterectomy years ago which I think started all my problems as I was put on HRT - double dose). But what is done, is done. You just have to make the most of your life that you are given.

Enjoy your family and hope to keep in touch. Love Roz x

morgaina and clairemm I have ordered Allen Carrs Easy Way to stop smoking for women…as suggested by Jax…should be here in next few days…will let you know what I think.

karen x

Hi my other half has been to the Drs for the new drug to help him stop smoking, he is not a good reader so doesn’t want to read the book, also I have realised that he is worried about failing when my ‘perfect’ dad managed it…lol

and the book is in boots I saw it today for £8.99
with the nicorette stuff but it was not the one aimed at woman.

spoke to mom about it and she knows at least 15 people who have read the book and given up!!
thought it was a few but didn’t realise it was that many!!
mom gave up smoking 12 years ago when dx emphasima, she said sometimes she could murder a ciggy, and that maybe it will always be the same but dad who read the book said genuinly that he never even thinks about it…so that in itself is worth a though in favour of the book.
