Snail gel.

I’ve been using Dr Organics Snail Gel from Holland & Barrett on my face for a while now and like it a lot.
2 weeks ago I decided to start applying it to my WLE scar which, at just over 3 months, was very well healed and flat but still quite dark red and hadn’t changed for weeks despite Bio Oil. I’m amazed how much the scar has faded in such a short time. Now maybe it was just time for a change to happen anyway but thought I should share! Snail Gel is currently on sale at H&B at £12 instead of the usual £19 (a little goes a long way) so with their buy one, get one half price offer it is a great deal.
Would be interested to hear any other experiences.

Thanks for sharing this with this, sounds promising, I think I will try it? But by the way, how is it on your face? Do you tend to use for daytime or as a night cream?

Thanks again


Hi KM, there is a whole range of products but I just use the gel morning and night. Just apply it and let it dry then moisturiser over the top. Started getting compliments on my skin a month or so after I started using it which, given BC, can’t be bad! The blurb talks about Chilean snail farmers noticing quick healing of wounds and scars on their hands which is what made me decide to try it on my scar.
Let me know how you get on.

I bought some today after reading your post. I am going to give it a go! :slight_smile:

Hope it works as well for you as it seems to for me, both on face and scar. It smells lovely … not the least bit snaily! ?
Let me know.

I must admit I am trying not to think about the snail thing! I have my mastectomy and reconstruction on Tuesday but i do have a little scar from the SNB so might give it a go on that :slight_smile:

Ha ha - next time I see a bunch of ladies snail sniffing I’ll know they’ve been on here! ?
All the best for Tuesday, Molliana - be thinking of you.

Thank you. I am having an immediate reconstruction too. I have never been so scared and i know this is only the beginning :frowning:

Yes I am having Ld reconstruction without an implant. I think we spoke on another thread. Bottom line for me is i don’t want any of this. I don’t want to be sliced up and i don’t want to worry about dying or my four year old. I am scared and i just want someone like my dad to fix it for me.
I am trying to be brave and not such a cry baby. I am 40 years old! But I just want it to all go away :frowning:

Hi KittKatt,


Just wanted to say I bought some snail gel from H&B on Saturday having read your post and already it has made a difference to the redness of my scar (although as you say, it could just be a coincidence but I don’t think it is).  Thank you for the recommendation :smiley:

