I am due to have my WLE and SNB tomorrow morning. I hadn’t realised how much I was dreading going for the injection for the SNB procedure today. I am such a wuss when it comes to injections I had actually got myself into a bit of a state last night thinking I couldn’t go through with it. But I just wanted to let anyone know who is going to have it done it really is not as bad as I thought it would be. It is over in seconds and while it did hurt a bit - like a sting for about 5 seconds - it is over before you know it. The lady who did mine was really kind, talked to me and told me she was just going to get on with it - and before I knew it was done. I did have a little chuckle - they didn’t have any ‘adult’ plasters so she gave me one with Zebras on it - I am rocking a Zebra on my nipple!! Not everyone can say that.
I am now waiting to get there tomorrow morning to have the wire thing done and then off to have the op.
That’s great that you found it OK Crocrazy (pretty well everyone does, even though they don’t like the idea beforehand!) and i love the idea of a Zebra plaster! :smileyhappy: The wire thing is OK too - not half as bad as the biopsies I had before diagnosis. (I had been getting myself in a bit of a state about the wire thing , rather than the nuclear jab, - I guess we’ve all got our personal “wussy” points.)
I had the WLE and SNB in December and all went well, and following the radiotherapy life got back to normal pretty quickly. All the best for tomorrow. xx
Yay thats another thing ticked off the list, well done you.
Sending you all good wishes for your op tomorrow
Helena xxxx
Hi glad to hear it went well! Sending you best wishes for today too.
Just wanted to check in and say I had my op yesterday and I am feeling brighter today. The wire insertion was a bit worse than I had expected to be honest, having got myself into such a state about the SNB injection the day before I had not really thought about this just assuming it would be about the same as the biopsy. The squashing in the mammogram machine was uncomfortable rather than painful and it was an odd sensation with the wires going in, like a funny pushing feeling.
Before I could think about it I was on the way back to my room to get ready for the op. The surgeon came about 10.15 and they took me own about ten minutes later. I was a bit (lot!) scared of the anaesthetic injection but the aneathetist was really kind and the last thing I remember him saying to me was ‘come on chicken (in a lovely way not as in chicken frightened) let’s get this done’, and talking about pints of brandy. Next thing I knew I could fel something being taken out of my mouth and I was in recovery. The clock was in front of me on the wall and I could see it was 12.10. I couldn’t believe it was all done and out of the way. Back in my room by 12.30. Had a bit of trouble with feeling sick and they gave me an anti sickness injection. Convinced them to let me home last night so I was back home on the settee in my pjs by 8.00. Managed to get comfy in bed eventually wedged on pillows lying on my back.
The wound has been internally stitched and glued on the outside. There is no dressing so I have been able to see it straight away. I am black, red and brown today and it is sore, but not agony. I am taking my painkillers every couple of hours. It feels tight and bruised today. I have started the arm exercises today too - they were a bit odd and I had to have a lie down after them. Apparently he took about 5cm by 3cm by 3cm so it’s a decent size chunk. I am not really bothered cosmetically what it looks like, just glad it is gone. I can have a shower tomorrow which is great. I haven’t tried clothes yet, still in my pjs, but I have got a couple of M&S post surgery bras and I am going to try one of them tomorrow. Looking at ASDA bras too having seen the good reports on here.
My next appointment is on 1st December for the path lab results so now waiting with everything crossed hoping for good news.
Glad it is this time today rather than this time yesterday! Sending hugs to all the ladies on this forum, the support is tremendous.
Aww so glad to hear you for through everything ok. Now you must look after yourself hun. Rest and also do your exercises. eat well and sleep a lot first few days. Try to have a walk when you can get out. The little buxxer had gone!!!? I am going for my results today. Next step!! Please keep everything crossed for me. Thank you ??
Hi how are you Crocrazy? I hope you are recovering well. My results came back! Clear margins.no node involvement and Her2 negative!! Next step is letrozole script and radiotherapy. I will be going for a bone scan and appointment with onco soon. I am so relieved that chemo is not involved. Feeling thankful but wary of the future side effects if the drugs etc. Xx
Oh Crocrazy I know how you feel. I had to wait ages for my results. But dont get down as at least you know they are being thorough and I have everything crossed for you!?. Thanks Helena I am seeing the head honcho about the rads next Wednesday, just 1 question, my surgeon advised me not to cancel a holiday I have got booked in January as I can have rads after!! I’m a bit concerned as this would make it over 13 weeks after surgery!! Isn’t this risky to leave treatment so long?
How fantastic Crocrazy! You will be so relieved! Wonderful news!! Sounds like you might have your rads done before me!! Enjoy your shopping you deserve It!!! All the very best!xx