Hello everyone I had a lumpectomy/SNB a week ago and im still having pain from the operation it feels very tender and sore especially first thing in a morning when I get up out of bed or when I have rested for a while sometimes the pain is awful, I have rang my BCN this morning and left her a voice mail message as im worried about my results from my SNB too, im a way I want to know the results but in another im scared to know them… xx

Hi Joolieboolie and welcome to the BCC forums

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Take care

Lucy BCC

Hi joolieboolie. Had wle and snb 3 weeks ago today and still am having some discomfort. Breast is still swollen and inflamed but will be for sometime according to BCN. Still wear bra at night for support. Bending forward is painful. I’m sure what you are describing is normal as early days yet. A lot of healing has to go on inside still. My wound is very lumpy and hard. Waiting for results is really hard and scary and perhaps the worst part of all. All good thoughts and wishes for good news for you. Xx

Hello and thankyou for your replies, my BCN returned my call yesterday and basically explained just what your breast goes through during a lumpectomy, your breast tissue goes through quite alot of trauma during surgery and we only see the stitches and bruising on the outside when in fact its all happening on the inside too… ’ poor boobie’. Lol… so now I understand the reason for my pain and I sopose everyones recovery is different? I asked about my pathology results from my SNB biopsy but she couldnt tell me anything and I may not hear anything for another week so its still a waiting game… :frowning: my BCN also suggested that I visit the nurse at my own GP surgery to have my dressings changed as I was findind under my armpit very itchy and uncomfortable my nurse removed all dressings and said it was healing very nicely I had no redness or little bruising and suggested I leave off the dressings ( its only been a week) I was a little concerned not having any dressing on but she reassured me I would be fine… xx