so confused about getting pregnant or not.

Hi girls, I’m so confused about getting pregnant. I was diagnosed in 2011 with 3a er+. pr+ her2- IDC. i’M BRCA2 positive and 34. I was told once I finish my tamoxifen I can try for another baby. However when I went to see the geniticist/oncologist in July of this summer, he advised 10 yrs on tamox and not to take a break to get preg. My own oncologist is saying that I could get preg and that it’s safe. I went to get my amh levels checked and they were dismal. 0.6 whis is deplorable. I always tought my fertility would be ok. I had a boy when I was 29 and he was conceived naturally straight away. In my head I always thought my fertility would be okish after the chemo. My brain is mush, I’m so confused. Has anybody here got pg using egg donation. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer in Aug aged 62 and now this. I just cant let this feeling of having another baby go, it was the only thing keeping my husband and I going through since 2011 esp with my mom being sick too. 

Hi rome81, 

I am sorry to hear you are going through this difficult time. I am sure some of our users will be along shortly to offer their support.

In the meantime do give our support line a call at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to lend a friendly ear and talk to you about fertility issues. 

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant