so fed up right now

I am supposed to be feeling better but am still going through hell. When will it ever end ?

actually feel that I can’t keep doing this

Hey Karen

Am worried about you! I hope you have got to sleep now and the morning brings you some relief. The early hours are the worst . You have had so much to contend with over the last year, but you are still standing and have come through each and every piece of crap. Thru all this you have been a great mum, especially to Mary. remember how you helpedwith resolving her being bullied, and organised the concert for her? Please don’t be hard on yourself. Have you spoke to a
your gp about how low u are, and your bcn? My bcn is pretty rubbish but even she referred me to s speciaList psychiatrist who has been great.

Huge hugs honey , keep posting if u feel down


Hi Karen

I am really sorry you are still so down. I you have had a lot to cope with on top of bc and I am not surprised it gets too much at times. As Vickie says maybe you BCN or Gp could help. I saw on your other threadvthat louise is doing a course on treatment finishing. It sounds like a great idea for those finding it hard. I see a pscy and have a great relationship with a family councillor who has helped me no end with my feelings about bc and the effect it has had on my children. Now is the time to access all the help you can. Sending you a hug and thank you for the support you have given me on fb.


Hi kayh317

I do hope you are feeling a little better this morning. As others have said, the nights are very difficult particularly if you are struggling sleeping and with side effects of tretment.

I just wanted to remind you about the helpline, it might be worth you giving them a call if you can, they may be able to offer support and information and some hints and tips for relaxation. Alternatively, they may be able to signpost you to other sources of help.

They open at 9am this morning so do call them if you can.

0808 800 6000

Take care


Hey…pm’d you x

Hi Karen, So sorry I didn’t see your thread last night else I would have been in touch…

Come on babe, you have been such a strength to me and I know lots of others on here, you can do this.

Your going through hell I know, but take each step and keep walking,you will improve.

Please as Louise said phone BC give them ago, you have nothing to lose.

Honey you know I’m always here, albeit at the end of a a keyboard I know !!PM me if you like just to have a good scream, you know I won’t be offended.
I hope your night wasn’t too bad, Love and big hugs Teresa xxx

have pm’s you hun xx

thank you all. Not feeling great but am going to keep going through this crap. Talked to a very good friend today which has helped me but your kind words have also helped so much.

One day it will be over !!

K x

Hi Kay. Just saw your post. Wanted just to send you a message of support. We all have to keep ploughing on and surely there’ll be better times ahead.
Love Polly. Xxxp

Hi K, just to echo everyone else’s comments we are all here for you when you need it. I have been where you are too and got so down about everything and couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in on there - this time of year is always more emotional you will get through it xx

Hi Kay

How are you feeling today?

Just wanted to send you some support, even if it at the end of a keyboard…

Take one day at a time…be kind to yourself…you have had alot to deal with…

naz x