So many questions

I had a core needle biopsy on my left breast yesterday after previously having an ultrasound scan. The doctors are sure it’s a fibrodemia (many apologies for my spelling!) but I’m still quite nervous. Can they be sure at this stage that it’s definitely fibrodemia without the biopsy results back? Also, what is the best thing to do with a fibrodemia? The doctors have told me its fine to be left in, and to be honest that’s what I would prefer, but is this safe? And what is the procedure like to have one removed? Thank you SO much to anybody that can help me answer these endless questions, I’m 23 and my breast ‘mouse’ measures at 3.3cm.

Hello Hayley_26

Welcome to the forums, you’ve come to the right place for support as the users of this site have a wealth of experience and knowledge between them.

I have attached a link to a BCC publication which may help you and If you would like to talk to someone in confidence then please do phone the helpline here where you can talk to a trained member of staff. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.

Best wishes

June, moderator

Hi there, I’ve just read your post and I too have a ‘probable’ fibroadenoma. Amonst other lumps in my left breast. Today I have had a Fine needle biopsy on the lump they think is fibroadenoma. Results back next week. I don’t really have the answers to your questions but I’m thinking the same ones too. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I’m not sure if you have seen but there is benign section on here and there’s lots of threads on there regarding fibroadenomas. You may want to have a look. From what I can gather they are usually left in the breast. Is yours causing you any pain? I’ve had a lot of pain and discomfort most of the time. So I may ask to have mine removed. I have another appt a week Monday for a biopsy and for the other lumps I have. 4 lumps they have found in total following a mammo and A scan. I will ask more questions at this appt and of course will let you know what they say. It is all very worrying and you are not alone with this ok. I’m sure other people will be along soon to give you some advise.
Take care xx

Thanks, it’s so nice that somebody else is worried too, I felt like a bit of a fraud coming on here but it’s been so helpful! Mine hasn’t bothered me, I’m quite sore today though after the biopsy (although I think it’s the compression bandage that’s annoying me the most!) How was your biopsy? xx

I had the the FNA biopsy and it was quite painful. Feels ok now though just a bit achy. I’m having the core biopsy on the 13 th may. Did you have a local anaesthetic with your core biopsy? Did they say when your results would be in? Xx

Hi I had a fibro that was found when I was 50 and decided to leave it it started to grow and was removed at 5 cm the surgeon led me to believe that anything over 3 cm shoul be removed .
hope this helps Lizzy