So relieved can plan my wedding now! :-)


Just wanted to express my happiness that I have again had good ct scan results, after a year on of developing tumours in my lungs and spine - there is no change from my last scan in july which is great.

cant believe it - especially as all i have had is one zap of radiotherapy to my spine, and put on arimedex and ibandronate with nothing else - well apart from the herbal and vitamin supplements i take. so i am so very pleased.

and relieved as getting wed in july next year - can now start properly planning the wedding!!

:slight_smile: rachel :slight_smile:

ps. sorry tho to hear about sixpen, my heart goes out to her and hope she continues to fight xxx

Zippy thats great!

Hi Zippy
fantastic - that’s something to look forward to…
Ena x

At last some good news. You must feel so relieved. Now look forward to the wedding!


Great news Zippy…Arimidex worked well for me…I hope you get a l-o-n-g time with it…Belinda…x

Great to hear some good news. Well done you and have fun planning your wedding.

Angee x

Hi Zippy
Glad to hear everything is going so well for you would you mind if i ask what herbal supplements and vitamins you take ?
take care
Lisa xxx

Hi Zippy

Brilliant news, you will have to fill us in on the details of the wedding we all need something else to focus on have a lovely time planning.

Beli x

Hi Zippy.

I know I don’t know you but I read this and just had to post, CONGRATS on such wonderful news. I am really happy for you!

Best wishes and get planning!


Hi all

Thank you all for such lovely messages - I too cant believe my luck - have been battling bc for nearly 6 years now! so its a nice relief to know things are stable again!

Zena27 (Lisa) - I take vitamin supplements as advised by Dr Rosy Daniels in Bath, and also she prescribes me Carctol and I also take zeolite - I also am a vegan on a non-acidic diet and try to only have soya twice a week in meals altho I have been cheating a bit recently and sometimes have tomato and soya! ie. bolognese! which i oughten to as tomato is acidic and carctol is not so effective if taken with acidic food! But hey ho, life is too short ! and i do pretty much stick to the boring diet 99% percent of time! which my other half and his 2 teenage kids have to bear too which they are ok about and dont seem to complain!! but there are many things you can cook which doesn actually make it that boring really lol! :slight_smile: …No certainty that the herbal, vitamins and weird diet help but as my bc is stable I have to keep it up as am only 35yrs old and got lots to live for! :slight_smile: and especially marrying my lovely other half who is absolutely a dream and my dream…he is amazing…and i couldn be more happier! :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Rachel xx

Hi Rachel

Thank you for your reply - my husband found out about zeolite on the internet and I was going to ask my oncologist on next visit if i can have it with my chemo.
What is carctol?
Do you take zeolite with your chemo or after?
I am also only 36 with lots to live for but with such a cruel disease.
Good luck with your wedding

Take care
Lisa xx

Hi Zippy so pleased you can revert to some normality and plan your wedding…

My lung ‘secondaries’ are so stable that doubt has been put on them being secondaries at all…I love a ‘normal life’…

Enjoy planning…
