So sad

I heard today that a lovely fun loving lady that I had lost touch with until recently has lost her battle.
her name was Sam, and I met her again when I was having my chemo. I said to the nurse ’ is that ladies name Sam?‘. She said yes, do you know her. I said we went back a long way, in fact she used to work with me. We went away for the weekend and laughed so much.
she came to see me, as I was attached to the drip. She looked so glamorous. She asked me why I was there. I said ’ same as you I suppose’. She said she hoped not as her cancer had spread throughout her body. She had only been married for 2 years and saidher husband was not coping well, especially as she had just spent the weekend at the hospice.
she was so vibrant and colourful. Her children must be devastated. Can’t believe she has gone!
rest peacefully Sam x

Dear Kayteeb53

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your lovely friend Sam. May I send my condolences on behalf of the moderators at BCC.

Best wishes


BCC Moderator

So sorry Kay - this really is a cruel disease.

Jayne x

RIP Sam x

So sorry to read this Kay. It is such a cruel, unpredictable disease, that steals too many young lives. Hugs to you.

RIP Sam. Condolences to her family.

So sorry Kay,lifes so cruel…Hugs,Paula…xxx