All the best to you Lynne we are all thinking about you today. I had WLE of a grade 3 tumour and lymph glands removed four weeks ago, and i’m now waiting for chemo to start, then rads. I will have to have a mastectomy at the end of it all!
One day at a time is the key I think. You will feel so much better once the lump has gone. Well done you for spotting it and getting to your doctor promptly. I was a bit slow with mine as I was not sure whether it was a lump or not and now I am kicking myself.
Hope to see you around on the boards. I’ve found them terrifly helpful for those days when I find myself in a very dark place.
I have added this post on behalf of new user Alex
Kind Regards
Breast Cancer Care
Hi Lynne,
Good luck with your operation today, I had a bi lateral mastectomy done last Tuesday, I only stayed in hospital for less than 48hours!! I had lymph node biopsy done, radio active die and blue die, they came back clear during the op, but I get full results next week. I think we all know what a huge shock it is, I was like everyone else told it was a Fibroadenoma by GP and Consultant, I waited 5 weeks for Hosp appointment, ultra sounded showed up ok and I am to young for mammogram to work. A week later I got the phone call to say come back in, I still thought it was nothing until they said the C word. Such a shock, over the last 4 weeks I have had more tests which showed 2 more lumps and that it is not hormone receptive, meaning they think it it genetic. I am only 24 and with no family history, all very hard to take in.
One massive thing I have learnt is be open with people as most people want to support you through this time and will understand. Don’t do this alone, everyone on here seems great and I wish I had used this site earlier, I couldn’t face coming on here, think I felt it was admitting it was real!!!
Good luck with the op, I am thinking of you today.
al xx
Hi All,
Thanks again for your messages. Had the WLE thursday and also removed some of the lymph nodes. I know I should feel better that the horrid “thing” is out of me but again all i can do is sit and bloody worry about the results. Because they had already told me it was a grade 3 before my op - all i can think of is “thats the nasties form and its bound to have spread”
You know what - even IM beginning to call myself miserable because im never anything else on here so god knows what you ladies must be thinking!lol
Surgeon said he thinks he got a clear margin and the nodes that he took “felt” benign - but then again they told me they were almost positive it was a fibroadenoma so i dont hold out much hope!
thing that im confused with is why did he use the blue dye?
hi lynne,
i like you was confused with the blue dye, so i asked my consultant he told me they put the blue dye in to see if it reaches any of the lymp nodes and the one it hits are the one he takes for sampling.
i have grade3 had wide margin takin last week also nodes for sampling got results today and it had spread to them so getting all the glands removed friday.
this is a scary and confusing time for us all on this site, but we are here for one another as unfortunatly we are all in the same boat, im only 30 and it really scares me too as none of us know whats around the corner for us, so we all have to try and stay positive even tho at times that is hard to do
love breda
Hi Breda
Im so sorry youve just had more bad news, this thing stinks it really does!
I am trying to stay as postive as I can, I am just a natural negative person and worry ahead. I read the messages and everyone says take one step at a time - yet im really frettin over chemo and the hair loss etc etc. when in fact i should be just taking small steps, I find myself looking at people in the street, thinking why me…again i know its horrid becasue no one deserves it - just cant help it. I struggle with friends and family telling me they are so sorry and can they do anything and i smile sweetly and say thank you and i just wish it wasnt me…
any how i should try and go to sleep…take care breda .x
Hi Lynne
Had WLE and sentinel node biopsy May 28th. The blue dye is used to show up the nodes that are ‘first in line’ draining fluid from the breast. The idea is that by using the dye the important nodes are identified and removed, so the surgeon needs to take fewer out. My first operation showed that 1 of 4 nodes was affected and I went back and had an axillary clearance when another 18 nodes were removed which were all clear - so shows that the dye does highlight the nodes which are most likely to be affected. (A word of warning - my boob is still blue!)
I’ve now started Chemo, and I did find it scary before but actually its ok. I am focussing on next year when this will all be over and I’ll be free of this awful disease. The statistics are on our side! Hang in there Lynne, we are all here for you.
Much love Sunny xxx
Hi Lynne
I was lucky in the fact that it hasn’t spread. My tumour was grade 3 but only 1.5cm. I start chemo on 31st July. You are right - it is really scary. People tell me that ‘it is great news that it hasn’t spread’. Yes it is, but I still have a long way to go before I am well again.
Please try to be positive - it will help you deal with each thing as it comes along. Some of the quotes on this site are wonderful - Don’t wait for the storm to pass - go dancing in the rain!!! Was one I read last week. Seems really appropriate, get out there and dance girl!!!
Good luck with your results, let me know how you get on,
sending lol,
Tracy, xx
Hey Tracy,
What a good saying!! Im trying my damn bestest to stay as positive as ever.
very pleased that yours hasnt spread.truly am…
Keep in touch.
Love Lynne.xx
Its nice to see there are other negative people out there! Its really hard to stay positive when everything is still so new and so scary.
I start my chemo on 30th July. Absolutely petrified of the hair loss - am actually going to look at wigs today so woke up with a heavy heart!
I am sure once all the ‘firsts’ are over with it will get much easier to deal with - after all we all have a future in front of us - and boy does this put loads of things in perspective. Think the saying is just to take each day as it comes and go with your feelings.Good luck and all the best to you all
Hi Lynne,
I am so glad you found my message a bit helpful. It is easier said than done to ‘stay’ positive. We are all feeling slightly hard done by as it doesn’t seem fair that is it us!!! I don’t do too bad, most of my days are good but I have ‘down’ days - you have to let them be - don’t fight it. You deserve to have bad days. Just log on and here we are to listen,
thinking of you and sending lol xx
Hi Fiona,
I start chemo on 31st Jul so we are at the same stage. I am part of the tact2 trial, so my actual chemo lasts 10 weeks then 4 week break, followed by 5 weeks radio. Hopefully by Jan it will be over and I can start to live again. I am scared to death of the chemo and like you, losing my hair. I haven’t been for a wig yet, everytime I think about it I get upset. Don’t want to make a show in the shop.
I agree with you, the firsts seem to be the worst and I am hoping that after the 31st Jul things will seem easier.
Sending lol,Tracy xx
Hi Tracy
Know what you mean about the wig - it wastnt so bad tho!! - took my 2 best friends in the world with me and my 14 year old daughter. It wastnt the best but apparently once it gets cut and thinned out and fitted properly it looks a lot better!!?? At the mo I have shoulder lentght straight brown hair - so have gone for 1 longer one and one quite short one - I’ve never been one for short hair but obviously once its growing back in it will be - I suspect I will go for the longer one tho - she has just ordered both in the colour I wanted and I can pick. Also went and bought a couple of hats - not a hat person either but they look ok. I am being practical at the moment but I know when it comes to losing the hair I am going to be in bits - but just got to look at the bigger picture eh?
Good luck to you too - will keep in touch and see how ur getting on
Sending lol’s too - were gonna need them
Hi Fiona,
Yes, I agree - we are going to need LOTS of luck but with people like you on the site, I think I am going to be ok!!! I also have some wonderful friends and a great husband, but sometimes it doesn’t seem enough - isn’t that an awful thing to say - I know I am lucky but chatting online is a big help. I am ringing WIG WORLD (sounds like a porno site)!!! to make my appointment tomorrow - will let you know how I get on,
sending lol, Tracy xx
Hi All,
thanks for the messges - and your right,sounds like a porno site…lol
Well, I am getting my results 2m so prays to be said everything went ok with my WLE and hopeful it hasnt spread to the nodes. Having trouble sleeping and constantly worrrying about 2m so fingers crossed if I have a large vodka, i may sleep/lol
Tracy - I agree when you say sometimes partners just arnt enough, my partner is constantly in everythign will be fine mode, and we can move on next year mode…and i wish i could adopt the same thought process…
Anyhow, going to make that large voddie so praying that i can post a little bit of positive news for you 2m…
Hope you are all ok today too…
Love Lynne.x
Hi All,
well, didnt sleep too well at all, feel shattered! so much for the large vodka to kick in… ;-/
Decided to go into work this morning so it kinda takes my mind off my appointment this afternoon. Praying it goes well.
Love Lynne.x
Hi Lynne
Thinking about u and good luck for this afternoon - let us know how you get on. I must admit I have been taking sleeping tablets too sleep - and they do help - always think if you can get sleep it helps to cope with everything else - (and I am a narky cow if I dont get sleep :).
Tracy I do know what you mean about friends etc - its easy for them to say be positive - sometimes you just want to scream and say Wander what they would be like in the same situation - and thats not being nasty saying it - just wander how others close to you would cope?
My chemo starts a week today - still feel the lump getting bigger - just want rid of it now - think this might be a long week in many ways.
Love and hugs to you all
Hi girls,
Lynne - sending lots and lots of love and best wishes for this afternoon. You didn’t say what time - I will be thinking of you and logging on tonight - please let us know how you get on. I start my chemo next Tues and to be honest, this is the most scared (is that proper english??) than I have been through this whole process.
Fiona - We start the same time, I had my lumpectomy in June and it hasn’t spread thankgoodness - I am so scared. I left the hospital on the 12th Jul feeling really upbeat about the results, I even went back to work last week part time (I am in the Navy), as the week progresses I am on the edge (a woman on the edge is NOT a good sign), the slightest thing has me in floods of tears or screaming and shouting. My husband is worried about me!!! He wants me to stay at home and rest - I feel like I am going mad. I thought once the op was over and everything was ok I would feel fine - I did for a while. Now I am sat here crying as I type this, feeling really sorry for myself and guilty as there are some of you out there who are in worse positions than me.
Sorry to off load like that I think I have been putting a brave face on. Lets face it, friends don’t want to see you crying all the time. Today is bad - I just want to curl up and hide away for a while.
Thanks for being there, this has helped, sending you all lol, Tracy xxxx
Thanks for that - I have noted the number and will give them a call,
No need to apologise - we all have our bad days. I havent cried in about a week and am worried about that!!! - hope am not bottling it all up cos that wont help either! - saying that - I am sure not my bubbly self!!
Really really dreading the chemo and suspect as they are pumping that poison in the tears will start again then. It really is just one day at a time and I spose not trying to look too far ahead (I am a nurse and sometimes leap too far ahead) - a bit of ignorance would definately be bliss! I have not been back to work and dont know when I will go back - depends on chemo etc!!
Your not going mad bettyboo - its everyone else out there that is - thats what I try to tell myself anyway.
Will be staying tuned in to hear how you are all doing
Hi Lynne,
thinking of you and wondering how you got on today.I hope you are ok.
Take care and please let us know how you got on as and when you get a chance,
Hi All,
Firstly, Tracy hoping your ok? guess your having a bad day today…i do hope your alright and not too down.
My tumour turns out to be grade 3 invasive ductal but they have said that it HASNT spread to the nodes and they managed to take a clear margin which is great news!! Also I am ER neg but a little PR positive HER2 neg so may be an option at the end of RADS to take TAMOXIFEN?? anyhow we will just wait and see. She mentioned wigs etc but i am just going to go with bandanas as my heair is quite short as it is and im guessing whn it starts to grow back it wont take that long… So its just a case of I will be hearing from them regarding my chemo etc. I did ask if I could have mine Friday so if i was feeling like cr*p i would have the weekend to recover before i go back to work, but its going to be a Wednesday…i guess though it isnt important…seeing this road ahead and knowing i just have to keep ploughing is keeping me going…
Thanks ALL of you for caring about me today and over the past few weeks…its meant so so much!
Hope you are all ok and as Tracy says (stealing your lines mate - sending you lol)
Love to you all