Hi Lynne
Good news it hasn’t spread, big relief for you. You will feel even better when the chemo starts (well psychologically anyway!). Take each day as it comes - I too am not sure about wigs, seems so false and haven’t seen any I like yet. Take care of yourself and stay in touch.
Hi Lynne,
I am so pleased with your results - great news. Don’t worry about me - having one of those moments, once the tears started they didn’t seem able to stop. Once next Tues is over I am sure I will be fine.
I go for my wig fitting on Friday - no doubt that will reduce me to tears as well - it seems like a bit of a reality check - however, I intend to make the most of it and have a couple of styles that I wouldn’t dream of doing with my own hair. My husband says I am the only person he knows that can make a shopping trip out of something like this (I am a shopaholic)!!! I have ordered bandanas off the website run by Paula (one of us), I will let you know what it is like. I have also used a site called girlyshop.co.uk which have loads of choice and are really cheap. Maybe I will stick to the bandanas - I will let you know Friday when I come back from town.
Stayed off work today as didn’t want to embarass myself by blubbering all over the boss - he is great and I can come and go as I please. Hubby is in hospital today for a titanium implant, just waiting for the call to go and collect him. Between the two of us we keep the NHS in business!!!
Kelly - thank you so much for the info ref the headgear. My hubby spoke to a great Sgt in the med centre who has been great - thank you so much my dear - keep in touch,
Well girls must go and ‘do lunch’ as they say. Take care EVERYONE - sending lol (you are more than welcome to use it Lynne)
Tracy xxxx (extra kisses for listening to me go on)!!
Hi Lynne,
thats great news re: no further spread. Nice one, its always good when we get ‘good’ news,
take care,
Hi Girls,
Your right, it is nice when someone has good news to post. I hope all of you are ok and managing too.
Onward to the next phase so no doubt i will hear from you all, and you will hear from me as i post many more questions that scare/intrigue me…
Love to you all
Hi Lynne,
Glad your news was good.
To all of you who are starting this journey and some of you who are already started, I heard a quote by somebody’s oncologist who said,
“give us a year of your life and we will give you 20 back”.
Even if I dont get 20 years I am going to get more than I would without treatment, so I think of this and it does make me feel that all of this suffering is not for nothing.
Take care,
Pauline x