so scared...

This is my first post on here, and in a way in makes me feel quite selfish that the only time ive ever really given it more than a second thought is when it has something to do with a member of my family.

But a 2 weeks ago my mum went for a routine mammogram, and she got called back today.

She came out 2 hours later after being given a core biopsy. She has to go back for the results next week.

There was no lump, but some little cells showed up on her mammogram. Now all i think of is that its breast cancer…what else could they be?? im so scared for her.
Sorry for my rant, im just feeling a bit lost and thinking the worst.

My thoughts go out to you all.


Hi there Lauralou

Obviously I hope that the results from your Mum’s biopsy come back clear and that after you tell us you go back to living your life as normal. In the meantime it is lovely to have you around and you’ll find loads of help here.
In many ways I think it is harder for friends and family, but, you’ll get there. Rants are ok - if it helps to get things straight then it’s good.
have a hug, you’ll get through this week just fine.

Dear Lauralou

If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about the worries you have about your Mum you are welcome to contact our helpline on 0808 800 6000. The line is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm, the helpliners can give you information and advice and offer a ‘listening ear’.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care

Thanks so much. I really hope that everything comes back clear, but it has made me think about things a lot.

There were so many women in that waiting room, and i felt helpless.

Ive been wanting a career change for a while now, maybe theres someway i can get into nursing who knows.

As for the helpline, its a brilliant service, but knowing the kind of family we are shed be way to embarrased to use it.Stupid i know, but il definately pass it on to her.

Thanks so much xx

Hi Lauralou,

My Mum was diagnosed with BC after a routine mammogram back in August, although she did have a lump. Like you, I panicked and went to every appointment with her. Unfortunately it was BC and I couldn’t take it in, just couln’t believe it. The last time Mum had been in hospital was when she had me 25 years ago!!

Anyway we are now underway with chemotherapy and being very positive. Mum’s amazing, I am so proud of her for getting through each day so well. I really hope it’s not BC in your case, but what I’m trying to say is that if it is, then please do not feel alone, come back on this website and talk to people who will be able to help you and your Mum get through it. I wouldn’t have made it through without this site and the people on it.

Let us know how the results go. Michelle x

HI everyone, well we just got back from the hospital…it turned out to be good news it was benign!i cant tell you how happy i am.
But what i came on here to say also was that i now feel a part of this, and without sounding patronising i think you are all amazing women who go through it, and your families also.
Ive just finished applying for nursing…so fingers crossed.

I wish you all the best of luck, you are in my thoughts and prayers.



So glad it is good news for you, good luck for the future.
