so sorry but how do i post a comment to a thread

Now I know I am a bit dizzy and i havent posted for a long time,but wanted to add a comment on the myths drive me bonkers thread that i started,but dont know how to…i am at the end of the thread reading the last comment but cant see where i add a comment,im not so thick honest but i dont know what to look for in order to post a comment,I expected an add comment button or a blank box to write but nothing there…help please am i really a gorp,dont answer that…Longyx

Hi longden

Just click on the small green box below the last comment towards the the right hand side. A box will then pop up for you to type your comments in. Once you have typed you message click on the green box which says submit. This is just below and to the right of the box you have typed in.

Best wishes
Sam (BCC Facilitator)