So swollen after DIEP

Hi. It’s 2 weeks since my masectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction. Everything is healing well but i have huge seromas in new breast and above and below the diep scar too. I’m so uncomfortable and sore. I’m having the seromas looked at tomorrow after an unsuccessful attempt to drain them last week. My tummy is all misshapen and my breast feels like it could pop.

Did this happen to you?
Will it get better?
What can i do to help prevent it worsening or coming back after its drained?

Thank you


When I was 2 weeks out, the cancer breast swelled up and became infected. I thought it was gonna jump off my chest. They couldn’t drain the infection so I was off to the hospital for 5 days of IV antibiotics. I came home with another 15 days of infusions for myself. Long story short… the breasts are now pretty normal. I think I am at 6 weeks now so I have a while until Phase 2, but our bodies are pretty resilient. As for the tummy, I had a procedure where there were no drains or binders so I was lucky there. Tummy is tight, but PT will help with that soon.

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That infection sounds awful @rockym. May I ask what phase 2 is? No-one has mentioned a phase 2 to me.

I don’t think my seroma is infected. Hoping for some intervention tomorrow at my appointment. X

The first surgery with DIEP is when they get the cancerous tissue out and then attach the vessels, get the fat and tissue from the abdomen and make us new breasts. This part is a little different with each person depending on their doctors, weight, body types and of course amount and location of cancer in the breast.

The Phase 2 (and sometimes Phase 3, etc.) is when they get a little more cosmetic. I’ve read they do fat grafting (lipo), scar revisions and other types of plastic surgery to make us look better. My PS said that after I was healed, he would look at me and I would look at me and if we both saw the same things that needed attention he would “clean” things up. I am around 6 weeks out and have healed from that infection. I can see the right breast might need a little extra fat for symmetry. I have a nasty scar under my arm that he said he would clean up for functional reasons. Never in my life did I think I would be changing anything in my body with a plastic surgeon, but I have great confidence in my doctor and sort of look forward to all this finally being done. By the way, Phase 2 is typically between 3 to 6 months after the initial DIEP.

Hope your appointment goes well!

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Thank you @rockym. I did see surgeon today. He was happy to leave my seromas/haematoma and said my body would deal with it. They took off the tape and all looks swollen but ok. I have a small area of skin necrosis. He didn’t seem to alarmed and has given me dressings. Said that it’s very common.

We discussed phase 2. He said in about 3 months they’d tidy things up and do my nipple. Thank you NHS!

Hope you continue to recover well. X

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I’m glad you saw your surgeon and got some questions answered. I had an area of necrosis that was about 4" near my flap under the breast. Now at 6ish weeks, the area is about 1/4". I’ll be glad when it’s gone as it sort of creeps me out. I met with one of my doctor’s partners the other day and he was sort of tired and seemed too serious for me. I know he had his hands inside of me during surgery, but I had never met him before. I go back in 6 weeks (3 month mark) for a recheck and will see my regular PS. I am probably pushed back on any touch ups because of the extra week in the hospital and 3 weeks on meds at home. It’s okay by me. I’m thinking I will be a 6 month touch up girl (that is if the doctor and I both agree with what needs to me done). Hope your healing continues well.

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Hi @rockym. Good to hear that your necrosis has reduced. Mine is growing but surgeon said it would get worse before it got better. I’d say it is about 3cm by 1cm currently. Glad you are getting your revisions done soon. X