So worried

Found a lump 8 weeks ago had appointment at breast clinic , after mammograms , 3D scan , ultrasound , 3 biopsies and now have a titanium marker in the lump I have a 2 week wait for results . 
As the days pass I’m convincing myself more it’s going to be bad news . 
They said could be a Fibroadenoma but has a suspicious nature to it which I can’t get out my head . 

Has anyone experienced anything similar? 
I’m a 45 years old mum to 3 boys and feel like time is standing still right now . ?

Hi Kaz


So sorry you’re in this position - the waiting is horrid. However, you can be sure they’ve been VERY thorough so, whatever the outcome, you have a good team there. If they have suggested it might be a fibroadenoma but there’s something they want to check, that’s encouragingly different from them saying it may be breast cancer but there’s something they want to check. Hold onto that. However, if it is breast cancer, it presumably is being caught early, which is excellent (or as excellent as anything can be in such circumstances).


Your mind is going to create awful scenarios. I hope when you get your results, you can enjoy feeling daft for having worked yourself up into a tizz - but you can’t stop yourself from worrying about something so serious. Just try not to assume the worst. May I suggest you take someone with you when you get your results, just in case? It’s very hard to take in more than one thing at a time when your head is reeling and you really need a friend or partner who can remember things or make notes/ask questions you want to ask but can’t.


Sorry I can’t reassure you. Only those with the medical knowledge can as we’re all different. So I’m afraid you have the seemingly interminable wait - but keep reminding yourself that they actually said fibroadenoma and didn’t say cancer.


Best of luck x