Some advice please ?

I am 45 and I have a thickening in my right breast with some pain at times ? I visited my gp this morning and she has given me app for the breast clinic for a scan!! What I would like to know is it usual to get pain with breast cancer lumps and things?? ?

Hi MrsMonkey,
Good they have referred you to check it out - as I’m sure you are aware there are loads of harmless causes of lumps etc. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma earlier this year. I’m not sure I would describe it as pain but I did have a pinching feeling in the lump area.
I think it varies, from the posts I’ve read since my journey started some women get a bit of pain with a c lump, others don’t have any pain at all, and some have pain even when results are clear and its not cancer at all!
I’m in my early 40’s too…trying to give back to the forum since I gained so much reading posts when I was referred/diagnosed!

Hi MrsMonkey69

Welcome to the BCC discussion fourums where I am sure you will get lots of good honest support from the many informed users of this site.

I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications you might find helpful.  Also if you would like to talk to someone in confidence then our helpline team are just a free phone call away, 0808 800 6000, lines open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator

Thank you so much seabreeze ? I am trying not to worry to much as I keep telling myself it will be fine ? yes the pinching pain I can relate to that ? your advice means a lot thanks for taking the time to reply ? I will keep you posted and I wish you well ???

Thanks for the link ? and the lovely warm welcome ???

Hey Mrs Monkey, how did you get on? Hope you are ok