Some good news!

Hi everyone.

I’ve posted in various places and had some great help and lovely replies, so just wanted to let you all know that, today, my partner went to see the consultant for her first post-mastectomy visit and to get her histology results.

No spread to lymph nodes; DCIS only; no further treatment necessary. He also looked at the swelling that has been coming and going and said that it was fine and would reabsorb in its own time.


Thanks again for your concern.

Sass xx

<grinning from=“” ear=“” to=“”> - lovely to hear such good news.</grinning>

Have a wonderful, calm, happy Christmas and a great New Year to look forward to.

Sophie xxx

Brilliant news, what a christmas you’ll have now!! xx

Hi Sass,

Brilliant news.

Oh what a relief … I’m so happy for you both.

Now you can enjoy christmas and look forward to the new year. x

That’s brilliant - have a wonderful Xmas. xxxx

Sooo good to see some good news on here! Take care and I hope (in the nicest possible way!) that we don’t see you on here again!