Hi I’m new to all this. I was only diagnosed two days ago which came as a massive shock as I had been advised that due to a number of factors (age included i’m 25) it was highly unlikely to be cancer. Anyway it is and there are more tests to be done and I have a op this wed to remove one lump. I am majorly bewildered really and do not know where to start with anything let alone this website. So anyway i am going to post this and see what happens!
Hi Bubbliejubblies
REally sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Must have been a quiet night hence no replies last night. It’s a massive shock being diagnosed and especially when you are so young. People don’t think it happens to the younger women but it certainly does and did to me and I know plenty more unfortunately. I hope the operation goes smoothly for you on Wednesday. I think once you know more about what’s going on in terms of the rest of your treatment plan, you’ll start feeling a little better about things. For the first few weeks at least, I remember feeling in complete shock about the whole thing so what you are feeling is completely normal under the circumstances. Please do post here as you will get lots of support. You can also find threads which have been started by other women and there is a younger women’s section if that helps at all.
I’ll be thinking of you for next week.
Ruby xxx
Hi BubblieJubbiles,
Sorry, that you had to join us on here. I am 35 and found out in July. It is a massive shock and you just can’t get your head in a normal place for a while. Once you have had your lump out you will feel so much better. Try and do some nice relaxing things before the op if you can.
Sending lots of love,
Trumpet xx
P.S ask any question you want to on here, there are loads of fabulous women with lots of answers xx
Hi bubbliejubblies (fab name BTW)
Like the other ladies have already said, post away on here, there is always someone who has the same thoughts, or is as p’eed off about the whole damn thing as you! Let rip with us!
I was 39 when I was diagnosed last Dec, lump removed, chemo and rads all behind me now. My page 3 ambition is unlikely to ever happen, but my boob and I have sailed through it! Yes it’s hard, yes it’s not fair, but, you just have to remind yourself, things could be worse. If I was feeling down, I only had to remind myself that there are lots of little people out there who won’t or haven’t reached my age, and they didn’t complain, so what right have I.
I coped by being a tough old bird, kept smiling, kept doing normal things even during chemo (concerts, meals etc)and tried to find the positive in everything. Such as no hair meant no split ends now or when it grows back! One week after chemo I was in Chicagos until 3am. (not wise once over a certain age!).
So honey, chin up, get that lump out and deal with whatever comes your way. One day at a time, don’t fret over things you can do sod all about.
If you want to send me a PM for a good straight talking session, PM away…
Daisy xxxx
Hey BJ,
A big hug from me as well. It’s a frightening time for you but it does get better and all the treatment is do-able, I promise.
Are you into your gardening? is that you with your veg? My garden has been my sanctury and has helped me heal from all the ups and downs of breast cancer (diagnosed May 2007 and still going strong!)
Take care, love
i am sorry u have to go threw this at such a young age,it does get easier as time goes on.i am 44 had masectomy and node clearance in may and just had my 4th chemo,grade 3 with 1 lymph node,you will find loads of help on this site xxxxxx
Hey Bubbliejubblies
Sorry you’ve had to join us on here, especially at such a young age!
It’s such devastating news to be told you have BC, but you’ve come to the right place to voice your fears & to look for support. I’ve found the forums to be a great place to pick up info & to get reassurance that what I’m feeling is ‘normal’!
I’m 35 with 3 kids (2,5 & 9) and was diagnosed at the end of July. I’ve had surgery & my first Chemo and it really does get a little easier to deal with once you have a clear treatment plan in place.
Good Luck & lots of Hugs
I am 53 had mastectomy and SN (Clear) so I am really feeling for you. I have two sons older than you and cannot imagine how you feel as at my age you expect all kinds of things.
Please use this invaluable site and also your friends and family. Lots of advice and info to pick about and help you so dont be timid to come on here.
Big hug and good wishes for your recovery. xxxxxxxxx
Hi bubbliejubblies
I am sorry to read of your recent diagnosis.
As well as the advice and support you are receiving from the other users you may find the BCC booklet ‘younger women with breast cancer’ useful to read. This booklet looks specifically at the different issues, feelings and experiences associated with younger women with breast cancer.
If you would like a copy just follow the link below:-
I hope this is helpful.
Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)
I hope you don’t mind having one more person to talk to. I was diagnosed on July 15, 2009. Since then I have had a lumpectomy, a port put in, and on Sept. 17, 2009 my first round of chemo.
I am due to have a total of 16 rounds, however I think it is important to note that I live across the pond, in the US. I have learned that treatment over here is different than that over in the UK, however I have also learned that this disease cares not what you are, where you are, or who you are.
I have a wonderful husband and 4 children, (boy 16, girl 13, boy 12; boy 10) on ocassion I have 2 additional children. Their names are “I don’t know” and “It wasn’t me”. So far, my family is doing good, but I think that may change, as I “change”. They have already noticed that I get tired quickly and I will lay down anywhere.
I think the next big thing for them will be the loss of my hair. My scalp has been on fire since about the 2nd day after chemo. I am currently just waiting for it to fall out.
Whew! I didn’t realize that I had so much to get out, thank you for the opportunity to share and join your circle.
Peace & Blessings,