Hey all and BIG HUGS to each and every one of you 
I haven’t been on here for a while as I have been trying to move on 2 years after dx.
I was dx with bc jan 07, grade 3 , no lymph node involvement, 6 x FEC 16 x rads now on Tamoxifen. Aged 28 when dx. Massive family history but no faulty genes ( apparently ? )
All has been well apart from a few precautionary ultra sounds / scans of various body parts over the last couple of years that have all come back clear.
On my bc side ( I had lumpectomy and one lymph node taken ) I have recently had quite a lot of pain in one area near my lymph node scar. The pain seems to have gone but quite away above where the pain was and nearer to my collar bone something is not quite feeling right. Theres an area that I can only describe as feeling a bit like mush. There are lots of tiny fleshy nodules and a long kind of stringy bit. The stringy bit I’m pretty sure is not a vein and leads to no where. Whats worrying me is that on my original dx i’m sure I recall there being stringy like bits coming from the tumour. I have felt all around but can not find a positive lump.
I’m trying so hard to move on and not to keep running to the doctors with every ache and pain so was really seeking some advice from you guys,
Much appreciate it,
Mandy xxx
HI mandy i saw ur status on facebook so i said id come see whats up.
i do no i had simular feeling along scar tissue and i still often feel it went to onc they did ultrasound all was good they just said it was from rads and the tissue inside hardening up.he also said it wud be very unlikely for it to reaccur after rads.
i wud def go to ur doc and get it checked out hopefully its nothing bad but its better to be saffe than sorry at this stage i think iv had a scan of everypart of my body as any ache i get im off to doc as its a horrible way to live really thinking the worse but unfortunatly for us its reality
so go get it checked hun
lots of hugs
Hi Mandy saw you FB status too… I had a new "lumpy bit " in Jan this year 14 mths after dx …mast and recon last year …it was definately there tortured myself but in the end rang the BCN…booked me in …MRI etc and it turned out to be scar tissue and fat necrosis in my op site …it was similar to you describe lumpy bumpy uncomfortable thing almost in my armpit !! I had to have my implant taken out (capsular contracture as a result of he scarring )and have just been redone with an LD flap recon …but that was a diff story I digress … you get to the docs and I am sure that it is all it will be but the last thing you want to do is stress about it we all know how our mind goes into overdrive …MAZ XXX
make that appt and keep us informed xxxxxx
Hi Mandy
I too thought that I had a new lump underneath my scar where lymph nodes were removed. I had convinced myself that it had re-occured there as I had 12 nodes removed but 11 were clear, 1 wasn’t. I saw my onc last month who manually examined me and said it wasn’t nodes but scar tissue and slight lymphoedema.
Just to make sure you must go and see your onc/BCN as soon as you can.
keep us informed on facebook
thinking about you…
Anita H
Hi Ladies and thank you for all your advice.
The things is what is worrying me is that it is no where near the lymph node scar under my armpit and is actually about a good 4 - 5 inches above it so I don’t think its scar tissue.
I’m going to give breast surgeon a ring first thing monday and see what he suggests,
Thanks all,