Soon to have radiotherapy

Hi, I’m due to start Radiotherapy on 27th March for 10 sessions, 2 on week, 5 another, then finally 3. Two days after that I am going on holiday. Just a week in self catering in Fife to enable me to go to our Great Niece’s wedding on the day before Good Friday.

I live in South Cumbria so going to Fife is usually only about 4 to 5 hours. I’m wondering whether I will be able to share the driving with my husband at this time. We are both in our 70s. I’m also wondering how to prepare for the trip and what to expect.


Hi maureen4, I had 5 sessions, 3 one week, then 2 the next. I got extremely tired the weekend in between. I rested as much as I could and felt a lot better for my session on the Monday. I again got very tired after my last session on Tuesday but felt fine by the weekend. I think part of the reason was 2 hours round trip to hospital. You are having more sessions that I did though.
I hope you have a great holiday x

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Hi @maureen4
I had 9 fractions over 3 weeks, ie 2,5 and 2. My journey to hospital is about 20 minutes so that was never a problem. I have to say that I never had tiredness or fatigue. Don’t know why but it’s been over 2 months now. I was able to walk the dog each day and live a normal life. I now average 5 miles a day. I was advised that side effects kick in about 1-2 weeks after finishing.
Hope it goes well and enjoy your break.

Hi @maureen4 , drink plenty of water during rads - that helps with fatigue and try not to commit to too many other things around that time .I was able to drive myself to radiotherapy( 40 mins drive ) even at the end of the 3 weeks ( 15 sessions ). I felt very tired in the middle of the sessions but upped my water intake and that helped . I think sharing some of the driving probably doable but hopefully your husband can do most of the driving . Enjoy the wedding .

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You reminded me of weekend after 3 weeks of radiotherapy. I arranged an early Friday appointment, drove about 140 miles to a music festival alone, camped, then drove back Monday, had my later booking for radiotherapy that day, as I still had another week to do. I was determined not to miss the festival I’d booked before I knew what was going to happen that year ahead.
I did it, I survived, not without some tears at times and utter exhaustion by Monday evening. Glad I did it, it was a bit much though. I’m sure you’ll be fine, especially if your hubby can drive some. Lugging camping gear across an up-hill field on a Monday morning was not fun, you don’t have that to worry about. Enjoy! Life is for living.