Sore arm after tram flap

I had my MX and tram three weeks ago. The operation was long-about 9 hours because my arteries were damaged and they had to connect the flap under my arm pit.I was out of hospital after 5 days and tummy is sore but recovering well. Since then I have had pain in my arm-a bit like pins and needles. The nurse said it was nerve damage. Has anyone else had this? Did it get better and if so how quickly.


When I had my mastectomy a couple of years ago with immediate expamder implant recon I had a similar thing. Like pins and needles along the back of arm up to shoulder. Mine felt like really bad sunburn at times too. It went after about 3 weeks I think and I got told nerve damage too. Anyway, nothing to worry about too much. I go in on the 16th for my diep free flap recon. I am nervous! DId you get a lot of pain?

Good luck with your op on the 16th. I would say that I didn’t have a lot of pain. For the first few days you can’t move much and are kept in a sauna type heat but I had a sheath catheter which meant anaaethetisc was put in my tummy for the first couple of days. I had my op on Thursday and was sent home on Tuesday. Walking was very slow but I did walk all the way from ward to car. Now main problem is still my arm and my breast still bruised.
Best wishes.