I have had 13/15 rads and my boob feels very hot and sore and I feel very tired. Is this a normal reaction at this stage of the treatment?
Hi Judy,
I’ve only had one of my 15 rads but the radiologist certainly said that both the symptoms you mention are highly likely, so I’m sure this is normal. Other people with more experience of rads than I have will respond to you shortly, I’m sure. It’s very unlikely that either the tiredness or the soreness will last for too long but it might be worth getting some reassurance from your breast care nurse on Monday as you will probably get more anxious (and therefore even more tired) unless you check it out. I do hope things get easier for you soon. All the best.
Hi there Judy
I had 25 sessions of rads and can assure that tiredness and a sore boob are totally normal at your stage in the game. Two things I found helpful were to buy a cheap £5.00 sports bra from Tesco a back size bigger han norm and to slip a bit of silk inside the cup. Rest as much as possible - having to travel every day is tiring and drink plenty of fluids. Also remember the SE will continue for a bout 2 weeks after you finish then things will get better.
Wishing you all the best on your journey - Jacqui
Yes totally normal, aloe Vera gel 100% will help the soreness but it is likely to stay a while. I am a year down the line and still have a sore boob and my oncologist says it may stay like that for ever! That said its not as sore as it was. God knows what the radiotherapy has done to me, I do worry about the damage I have inflicted on my body. Fingers crossed its extending my life.
Thank you both for your input I will buy a sports bra that might help a bit. I think that it has been quite easy until a couple of days ago even though I am doing a lot of travelling. Judy xx
Thanks Carrie I do wonder how long it will last but if it does the trick I suppose it is worth it.
Hi Judy…I had 23 rads back in August and felt very red and sore quite early. If your skin is broken, the radiologist can give you some special gel/dressing, but if not then loads of aqueous cream, aloe vera 99.9% will help. try not to wear a bra as often as you can and let the air get to it…a fan or hair dryer on a cool setting is marvellous!! I bought some crop tops from M and S which were fairly supportive but didn’t rub anywhere! Good old fashioned colled voiled water and salt helped too.
keep up the skin care for several weeks afterwards as the radiotherapy keeps on working! My breast is still quite swollen and tender at times, and my first year mammo showed up the skin thickening and tissue damage…Which was very interesting to see.
even though you feel tired, try some gentle exercise every day which does help…I have found that the tiredness continues for several months, at times still feel that I could do with a nap, but maybe that’s old age creeping up!!!
take care xo
hi Mary thanks for all the tips at the moment I feel as though my boob wants to explode not nice!! just two more journies then maybe I can think about walking again for exercise . The big problem has been the length of the journey which with the waiting time has taken up to five and a half hours and that alone has taken its toll. I just hope it will be well worth it in the end Judy xx
Just to say I found some bras in Asda for £6 which are like the M&S vest type bras. It was such a relief to wear them as they are so comfortable
Sainsburys do the soft bras too! No hooks or bones, just softly shaped and very comfortable.
Hi Judy
on 10 of 15 rads today. Have had sore boob since start but from op I think not from rads. I am seeing nurse today after treatment so I will inform her again. Will prob get the same answer as last time which is will go away eventually. I want a proper answer today cos the nipple area is VERY sensitive and sore and I cant even bear clothes against it. The heat in my boob I can put up with but the other I cant cos I’m sure something wrong.
AnnW xx
Hi Ann
Sorry to hear you’re having some problems. I had a very sore and sensitive nipple after my first WLE. I ordered some silicone ‘nipple covers’ from Amazon. I found them helpful.
HI Sue
The nurse gave me some Flaminal gel to use but its made no difference so I will gladly try the covers that you recommend, anything to ease it will be wonderful
Ann xx