Sore hand (cannula site)

I’m on day 6 and I’ve just noticed my hand is a liittle bit sensitive to the touch in one spot. (I think it was the cannula site.) Does that sound normal at all? Im not sure if this is the thing I should be going to a&e about due to neutro-thingie risk

Hiya…the site of my cannula was a little ‘tender’ for about 2 weeks after chemo,and my inner arm and elbow were a bit sore. I’ve rubbed ibuprofen gel on which has really helped. Think this is a pretty common effect of the infusion of chemo drugs, but as everyone reacts differently, if you are worried, probs best to give your chemo unit a ring…x


Depending on who did my cannula I would sometimes have huge bruise on my hand after chemo and it would be painful for about a week after. I would not think it warrants a trip to A & E but if you are wooried maybe phone the chemo unit?


Sounds like bruising. However, if it’s at all warm or swollen, it could be phlebitis - inflamation of the vein.

A trip to your GP will sort that - they normally prescribe hirudoid cream and a short course of antibiotics.

Good luck


definitely go GP not A and E cos your blood count could be low and you don’t want to be hanging about in a and e - maybe call the GP? My hand was sore everytime but good to check its just a bruise and not an infection,
all the best Nicola

Hi,I have had a really sore arm each time (have had 5 x FEC), the hospital called it phlebitis but didn’t seem concerned. I was prescribed Hirodoid cream and a heat pad/hot water bottle for 1 hour 3 times a day. It seems to have helped this time, my arm is still a bit sore but not red and much less tender. The veins look very bruised.
Clare x

Thanks for the advice everyone. I ended up on the chemo ward today anyway, because of of cystitis, so I asked about the hand and they said yep, it’s perfectly normal. :slight_smile: