hello ladies,
its been 3 weeks since my SNB AND WLE and my boob is still sore at times, the swelling has gone down but it looks all dimpley now, im starting chemo on thursday and the bcn said as long as the scars are ok dont worry about it,
is it just early days?
love and hugs
donna x
Donna, everyone heals differently, please don’t worry. I started chemo whilst I still had an open wound on my remaining (half) nipple. Healing was slowed down a little, but was fine eventually. It takes ages for your breasts to ‘settle down’, but they will.
thankyou so much for your reply, i will keep taking the paracetamol, but then i worry in case i shouldnt take them because of white blood cell count
oh im getting so scared now, ive been on top of the world today, i really dont want to play this game no more, i want my life back
Hi Donna, I had my WLE & SNB 3 weeks ago too, and I am still lumpy and healing so guess it is just early days. I also had a very low afternoon yesterday so know exactly how you feel, but I guess we still have a road to go down with this yet so need to hang in there …good thing with this forum is that none of us are alone in this. Hope you are feeling brighter today.
Big hug to you - Sue x
Hi Donna,
I had WLE & SNB with reduction to other side on 30.12.10. I’ve been advised that my boobs will take at least 3 - 6 months to stop feeling lumpy so it’s very early days, plus I’m starting my FEC on 10/2 so will have had to wait 7 weeks.
We all have our down days, the waiting is the worst part and it all seems to slow down after surgery until you start the next step. However we’re all here to support you and help you hang on in there.
You will get your life back, I have several friends who have had to make this journey before me and they are a great inspiration.
Good Luck with the Chemo, I’ll be following you down the road!
lots of love
Helen xx
Thankyou lovely ladies,
My poor boob has been prodded, poked, stabbed and sliced so much since the beginning of Dec I don’t think it will ever forgive me! I’ve developed a one-sided hug technique now so feel much happier, as it still feels very bruised after WLE on 10th and re-excision on 26th Jan. Very pretty colours too! The poor thing’s been abused so much, no wonder it’s staying lumpy - I reckon it’s sulking.
Just to confirm, Donna, the soreness and lumpiness will go on for a while. Occasional paracetamol shouldn’t do any harm, or ask about ibuprofen–sometimes it’s better to alternate–and ibuprofen helps reduce inflammation, but it’s not always advised with chemo. Try cold packs as well, when it’s really bad. Either one of those blue& silver freezer packs, the flexible ones, or a chilled or frozen flannel in a sandwich bag. Frozen peas are possible, but don’t eat them if you refreeze them. Don’t put anything frozen directly next to your skin.
Of course if anything actually looks infected, see a doctor right away.
thankyou lovely ladies,xx